Situs Pengusaha

iOS Developer (Bodyhire)

PT GITS Indonesia
Rp4.500.000 - 7.000.000/bulan
Kerja dari rumah
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 16/11/2022 oleh Mochammad Razid Aldino
Pengalaman kerja
3-10 tahun
Minimal S1
- Design and build advanced applications for the iOS platform.
- Work with Scrum Project Management.
- Communicate effectively with project managers, technical lead, supervisor, developer and other internal team members.
- Work on bug fixing and improving application performance.
- Continuously discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency.
- Understanding the goals and strategy behind each project from conception through completion.
Committed to project deadline.
Abouts Us
PT GITS Indonesia
Teknologi,30-300 karyawan
Marvelous company for talent and to build impactful solutions for clients. Our services include mobile applications development, websites development, applications audit, discovery & co-creation, and more. Our solutions are crafted to help your company or business grow even more. Our clients are government, enterprises, overseas and multinational companies.
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