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"jobDescriptionPrefix": "\nResponsible for building strong working relationships with existing/new accounts in order to offer and generate sales for all products. by phone or visitations if need be in order to hit Target(s) given by management\nDeveloping and executing customer business/promotional plans \nNegotiate effectively with your customer, e.g. to agree trade terms, trade funding, and counterparts\nManage the relationship aspects of key customer ‘events', e.g. launching of new products, cost price changes, breaches of trade terms\nManage promotional and non-promotional investments with the customer and ensures all agreements are properly documented and stored\nManage the launch of new products with customers, e.g. selling in the new product, providing samples etc\nManage in-month performance vs forecast",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "\nResponsible for building strong working relationships with existing/new accounts in order to offer and generate sales for all products. by phone or visitations if need be in order to hit Target(s) given by management\nDeveloping and executing customer business/promotional plans \nNegotiate effectively with your customer, e.g. to agree trade terms, trade funding, and counterparts\nManage the relationship aspects of key customer ‘events', e.g. launching of new products, cost price changes, breaches of trade terms\nManage promotional and non-promotional investments with the customer and ensures all agreements are properly documented and stored\nManage the launch of new products with customers, e.g. selling in the new product, providing samples etc\nManage in-month performance vs forecast",
"areaLocation": "Jl. Boulevard Raya No.18, Rt.1/rw.2, Klp. Gading Tim., Kec. Klp. Gading, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia.(Jl. Boulevard Raya No.18-19, RW.1, East Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14240)",
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