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"userJobId": "0099595",
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"jobClassificationName": "Makanan/Minuman/Pelayanan Restoran",
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"jobDescription": "\n1. To assist instructor in packing required for lessons\n2. Ensure ingredients are packed according to required standards and consistent presentation.\n3. To attend to customers who enquire at the reception counter and call in through the phone.\n4. Work closely with Procurement to monitor ingredients stock level\n5. To assist in maintaining studio cleanliness.\n6. To support in other related daily studio operations or events.\n\n\n1. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply (Diploma/Bachelor's degree in Culinary Arts/Tata Boga, Hospitality, Hotel Management)\n2. Maximum 28 years old\n3. Maximum less than 6 months work experiance in Culinary/Hospitality/Food & Beverage Field\n4. Understanding inventory tasks\n5. Understanding Microsoft Excel System for adminitration tasks\n5. Good communication (customer service) skill",
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"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "\n1. To assist instructor in packing required for lessons\n2. Ensure ingredients are packed according to required standards and consistent presentation.\n3. To attend to customers who enquire at the reception counter and call in through the phone.\n4. Work closely with Procurement to monitor ingredients stock level\n5. To assist in maintaining studio cleanliness.\n6. To support in other related daily studio operations or events.\n",
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