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"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Hello.. We are looking for \nSenior Operation Manager\n for security services sector at PT. Global Secont, based in Jakarta.\nJob Requirements :\nCandidate must possess at least a bachelor degree.\nAt least 5 years’ experience in a security management position.\nGood knowledge of Security management, planning, etc\nHave experience in \"Starting Up\" a security project and maintaining stipulated service standards.\nGADA UTAMA certified is a must.\nWell experienced in industrial security, physical security, security of information and security of personnel, with a good knowledge of security related technology and supporting systems.\nAbility to manage multiple projects and work to deadlines.\nEnthusiasm and determination (believing in the concept of setting and achieving challenging targets).\nGood problem-solving ability and initiative.\nComputer literacy in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.\nGood English\nJob Description:\nManage multiple projects\nWorking with related team\nResponsible to management",
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