Situs Pengusaha

Senior Operation Manager

PT Global Secont
Rp10.000.000 - 20.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 23/05/2023 oleh Evie Surahmi
Hello.. We are looking for 
Senior Operation Manager
 for security services sector at PT. Global Secont, based in Jakarta.
Job Requirements :
Candidate must possess at least a bachelor degree.
At least 5 years’ experience in a security management position.
Good knowledge of Security management, planning, etc
Have experience in "Starting Up" a security project and maintaining stipulated service standards.
GADA UTAMA certified is a must.
Well experienced in industrial security, physical security, security of information and security of personnel, with a good knowledge of security related technology and supporting systems.
Ability to manage multiple projects and work to deadlines.
Enthusiasm and determination (believing in the concept of setting and achieving challenging targets).
Good problem-solving ability and initiative.
Computer literacy in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
Good English
Job Description:
Manage multiple projects
Working with related team
Responsible to management
Lokasi Kantor
Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT Global Secont
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
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Global Secont, based in Jakarta.\nJob Requirements :\nCandidate must possess at least a bachelor degree.\nAt least 5 years’ experience in a security management position.\nGood knowledge of Security management, planning, etc\nHave experience in \"Starting Up\" a security project and maintaining stipulated service standards.\nGADA UTAMA certified is a must.\nWell experienced in industrial security, physical security, security of information and security of personnel, with a good knowledge of security related technology and supporting systems.\nAbility to manage multiple projects and work to deadlines.\nEnthusiasm and determination (believing in the concept of setting and achieving challenging targets).\nGood problem-solving ability and initiative.\nComputer literacy in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.\nGood English\nJob Description:\nManage multiple projects\nWorking with related team\nResponsible to management", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": null, "educationalBackgroundName": null, "location": " Jl Ciputat raya no 16 pondok pinang jak sel", "status": 1, "hidden": 0, "ageReq": -1, "companyId": "1397922133879078000", "company": { "id": "1397922133879078000", "name": "PT Global Secont", "shortName": "", "logoUrl": "", "banner1Url": "", "banner2Url": "", "scaleCode": "3", "scaleName": "30-300 karyawan", "location": " Jl Ciputat raya no 16 pondok pinang jak sel", "introduction": null, "areaName": "Jl. 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Kby. Lama", "jobDescriptionSuffix": null, "jobDescriptionPrefix": "Hello.. We are looking for \nSenior Operation Manager\n for security services sector at PT. Global Secont, based in Jakarta.\nJob Requirements :\nCandidate must possess at least a bachelor degree.\nAt least 5 years’ experience in a security management position.\nGood knowledge of Security management, planning, etc\nHave experience in \"Starting Up\" a security project and maintaining stipulated service standards.\nGADA UTAMA certified is a must.\nWell experienced in industrial security, physical security, security of information and security of personnel, with a good knowledge of security related technology and supporting systems.\nAbility to manage multiple projects and work to deadlines.\nEnthusiasm and determination (believing in the concept of setting and achieving challenging targets).\nGood problem-solving ability and initiative.\nComputer literacy in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.\nGood English\nJob Description:\nManage multiple projects\nWorking with related team\nResponsible to management", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Hello.. We are looking for \nSenior Operation Manager\n for security services sector at PT. Global Secont, based in Jakarta.\nJob Requirements :\nCandidate must possess at least a bachelor degree.\nAt least 5 years’ experience in a security management position.\nGood knowledge of Security management, planning, etc\nHave experience in \"Starting Up\" a security project and maintaining stipulated service standards.\nGADA UTAMA certified is a must.\nWell experienced in industrial security, physical security, security of information and security of personnel, with a good knowledge of security related technology and supporting systems.\nAbility to manage multiple projects and work to deadlines.\nEnthusiasm and determination (believing in the concept of setting and achieving challenging targets).\nGood problem-solving ability and initiative.\nComputer literacy in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.\nGood English\nJob Description:\nManage multiple projects\nWorking with related team\nResponsible to management", "areaLocation": "Jl. Ciputat Raya Blok Haji Saikin No.16, Rt.2/rw.8, Pd. 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