Situs Pengusaha

Sales Executive

Rp50.000.000 - 7.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
2 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 16/06/2023 oleh Wica
Market the product to consumers
Explain the benefits of the product to consumers
Increase sales turnover
Clean up the shop look
Achieve the target
Candidates must have at least a high school, diploma, degree in Business, Administration, Management, Marketing, Arts, Design, Creative Multimedia, Textiles, Fashion Design or equivalent.
3 year experience (SPB / SPG Retail, Clothing, Fashion)
Fluent in English (Writing & Speaking)
Maximum age 35 years
Must-have skills: selling products, drawing
Can drive a motorbike, have a SIM card C
Diligent, Disciplined, and Initiative, Willing to work on holidays
Communicative, friendly & persuasive
Dress neatly
Domiciled in Jakarta
Lokasi Kantor
Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Ritel,30-300 karyawan
Lihat semua lowongan dari kami
Lowongan mencurigakan?
Lihat Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
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