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"jobDescription": "RESPONSIBILITIES\nManaging Operations:\nOverseeing the entire ocean freight forwarding operations, including shipping, receiving, and tracking of cargo.\nManage all ocean freight service operations to be efficient and effective to get customer satisfaction.\nDirect ocean freight transportation department operation for the purpose of providing services with established time frame and in compliance with related customers’ requirements.\nForecasting and planning future cargo commitments and requirements.\nSupervising the ocean freight team and ensuring all operations comply with safety and quality standards.\nNegotiating Contracts and Customer Service:\nCollaborating with freight carriers and shipping companies to negotiate contracts and rates.\nDevelop relationships with ocean carriers to maximize service and purchase competitiveness.\nDevelop/maintain Ocean freight business with good relationship with nomination customer.\nProviding customer service and handling any issues or complaints related to ocean freight.\nCoordinating Shipments:\nEnsuring the proper loading and unloading of shipments, and that all procedures are followed.\nOversee the Ocean department to ensure that all aspects of Export & Import Cargo from booking, pick-up, logging, customer service and invoicing are performed as per company standards by monitoring every shipment.\nDeveloping and implementing logistics and supply chain strategies to optimize shipping routes and delivery times.\nCompliance:\nMaintaining knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and procedures in the field of ocean freight transport.\n\nREQUIREMENTS\nStrong knowledge of global ocean freight forwarding operations.\nHave good relationship with shipping company, coleader, and customer.\nTeam work with all division Sales, Custom Broker, Finance.\nProven expert in using MS Office.\nExperiences in relevant industry: freight forwarding, ocean shipping, export-import.\nStrong reporting and analytical skills.",
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"jobDescriptionPrefix": "RESPONSIBILITIES\nManaging Operations:\nOverseeing the entire ocean freight forwarding operations, including shipping, receiving, and tracking of cargo.\nManage all ocean freight service operations to be efficient and effective to get customer satisfaction.\nDirect ocean freight transportation department operation for the purpose of providing services with established time frame and in compliance with related customers’ requirements.\nForecasting and planning future cargo commitments and requirements.\nSupervising the ocean freight team and ensuring all operations comply with safety and quality standards.\nNegotiating Contracts and Customer Service:\nCollaborating with freight carriers and shipping companies to negotiate contracts and rates.\nDevelop relationships with ocean carriers to maximize service and purchase competitiveness.\nDevelop/maintain Ocean freight business with good relationship with nomination customer.\nProviding customer service and handling any issues or complaints related to ocean freight.\nCoordinating Shipments:\nEnsuring the proper loading and unloading of shipments, and that all procedures are followed.\nOversee the Ocean department to ensure that all aspects of Export & Import Cargo from booking, pick-up, logging, customer service and invoicing are performed as per company standards by monitoring every shipment.\nDeveloping and implementing logistics and supply chain strategies to optimize shipping routes and delivery times.\nCompliance:\nMaintaining knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and procedures in the field of ocean freight transport.",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "RESPONSIBILITIES\nManaging Operations:\nOverseeing the entire ocean freight forwarding operations, including shipping, receiving, and tracking of cargo.\nManage all ocean freight service operations to be efficient and effective to get customer satisfaction.\nDirect ocean freight transportation department operation for the purpose of providing services with established time frame and in compliance with related customers’ requirements.\nForecasting and planning future cargo commitments and requirements.\nSupervising the ocean freight team and ensuring all operations comply with safety and quality standards.\nNegotiating Contracts and Customer Service:\nCollaborating with freight carriers and shipping companies to negotiate contracts and rates.\nDevelop relationships with ocean carriers to maximize service and purchase competitiveness.\nDevelop/maintain Ocean freight business with good relationship with nomination customer.\nProviding customer service and handling any issues or complaints related to ocean freight.\nCoordinating Shipments:\nEnsuring the proper loading and unloading of shipments, and that all procedures are followed.\nOversee the Ocean department to ensure that all aspects of Export & Import Cargo from booking, pick-up, logging, customer service and invoicing are performed as per company standards by monitoring every shipment.\nDeveloping and implementing logistics and supply chain strategies to optimize shipping routes and delivery times.\nCompliance:\nMaintaining knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and procedures in the field of ocean freight transport.",
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