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"jobDescriptionSuffix": "• Bachelor’s degree with Proven working experience as a Procurement Manager, having experience for\n• Project or Services in Power Plant (PLTU, PLTG, PLTP, PLTA, etc), Fertilizer company, Chemical company, etc.\n• Aptitude in decision-making and working with numbers\n• Experience in collecting and analysing data\n• Domicile in Tangerang\n",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "• Perform risk management for supply contracts and agreements\n• Control spending and build a culture of long-term saving on procurement costs\n• Supervising the day to day of the procurement, sourcing team, Warehouse & Inventory\n• Discover sustainable suppliers and initiate business and organization partnerships\n• Negotiate with external vendors to secure advantageous terms\n• Approve the ordering of necessary goods and services\n• Finalize purchase details of orders and deliveries\n• Expect unfavourable events through analysis of data and prepare control strategies",
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