Situs Pengusaha

IT Programmer - Area Alam Sutera

PT Voltras International
Rp4.500.000 - 5.000.000/bulan
Tangerang Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 28/05/2024 oleh Danial
1. Developing excellent quality software using agile techniques such as Test Driven Development. 2. Participation in all aspects of the team
this includes daily meetings, planning, showcases
3. Creating proper documentation of design/development plans, Quality Assessment, and testing plans. General Requirement : 1. Bachelor’s degree in computer science/information technology, physic, mathematics or equivalent from
2. Having good analytical skill 3. Passionate learner and good communication skill 4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
5. Willing to work at Sleman, Yogyakarta Spesific Requirrement : 1. Having ability of solving problem using proper algorithm 2. Having skill at least one of the following programming language: Java, Python, Dart & Flutter
3. Having skill on SQL and Database Benefit : 1. Competitive Salary 2. Health Insurance
3. Excellent working environment 4. Permanent Employment after working three months as probationary
Tanpa Pengalaman Bekerja
30 Tahun
Kandidat wajib upload foto
Terima kandidat dari mana saja
Lokasi Kantor
Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
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PT Voltras International
Teknologi,30-300 karyawan
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Having skill on SQL and Database Benefit : 1. Competitive Salary 2. Health Insurance\n\n3. Excellent working environment 4. Permanent Employment after working three months as probationary\n\n", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "1. Developing excellent quality software using agile techniques such as Test Driven Development. 2. Participation in all aspects of the team\n\nthis includes daily meetings, planning, showcases\n3. Creating proper documentation of design/development plans, Quality Assessment, and testing plans. General Requirement : 1. Bachelor’s degree in computer science/information technology, physic, mathematics or equivalent from\n\n2. Having good analytical skill 3. Passionate learner and good communication skill 4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply\n\n5. Willing to work at Sleman, Yogyakarta Spesific Requirrement : 1. Having ability of solving problem using proper algorithm 2. 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