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"jobDescription": "1. Bertanggung jawab untuk Dokumentasi bukti transaksi\n2. Melakukan penginputan Jurnal (Kas, Hutang, Piutang dan Bank)\n3. Membuat faktur pajak\n4. Support membuat invoice\n5. Bertanggung jawab untuk dokumentasi transaksi yang dipotong PPh\n6. Melakukan rekap hutang supplier yang akan dibayar\n\n1. Lulusan S1 Akuntansi min. GPA 3.00\n2. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang finance, accounting dan tax. (Fresh Graduate bisa apply)\n3. Memahami prosedur dasar akuntansi (jurnal sampai laporan keuangan)\n4. Memiliki karakter yang baik, skill memecahkan masalah, fokus dan komunikasi yang baik, motivasi, dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan, multi tasking dan dapat bekerjasama dalam team maupun bekerja sendiri.\n5. Dapat mengoperasikan minimal Microsoft (Excel, Word)",
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"introduction": "PT Manabu Indonesia was established in October 27, 2002 by our Founder, Mr. Tsutomo Izosaki and our Co. Founder, Ms. Imelda Suryahadi.\n\nAt the first and for so long, we observed that almost all of the Japanese company which was operate in Indonesia was the small-medium level company in production volume. It is very often for those companies bought the second-hand machineries but with the good quality. Because of the scales and the volume of the production of that machineries, we know for sure that many of them need maintenance treatments for their machineries periodically. When troubles was happen with their machineries, it was very rare the problem solving they took was bought the new machines, even if the problem was face by the big companies, the common solutions are they will always repair and do maintenance.\n\nThese are the opportunities for us to give our best service and skill to repair and maintain the problem of those machines so that the companies can keep on continue the production and operational activities.",
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