"id": "1788756815081975854",
"userJobId": "0096519",
"jobTitle": "Head of U.S. Subsidiary",
"jobClassification": "202005",
"jobClassificationName": "Manajemen Tingkat Atas",
"jobType": 1,
"jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu",
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"benefits": "Company Profile\n\nLEO PUMP, the core segment of Leo Corporation (stock code 002131), founded in 1995, is a trusted partner for intelligent fluids. Its business covers 150 countries and regions and serves 500 million users worldwide.\nLEO PUMP is committed to bringing the smart water experience to every industry, every group and every family, helping people around the world to enjoy high-quality water life anytime, anywhere. “Smart flow, symbiosis of good”, Leo Pumps focus on the real economy, the layout of construction, municipal, water conservancy, electric power, petrochemicals, OEM, household, garden eight major areas, with scientific and technological innovation for the global user customized personalized pumps and system solutions, to help the government and corporate customers to achieve green transformation, to promote high-quality economic growth and sustainable development of the community. We help government and enterprise customers to realize green transformation and promote high-quality economic growth and sustainable development of the society.\nAdhering to the mission of “Create and Prosper with All Stakeholders”, Leo Pumps strives to build world-class pumps and systems. With the strength of technological innovation, Leo Pumps has won the “National Science and Technology Progress Award”, “China Water Conservancy Engineering Quality (Dayu) Award” and other awards, and has been listed on the list of China's Top 500 Manufacturing Industries for many times, and has contributed to large-scale projects at home and abroad, such as the World Cup, the Winter Olympics, One Belt, One Road, and the South-to-North Water Diversion Program. We have also contributed our strength to the World Cup, Winter Olympics, Belt and Road, South-to-North Water Transfer and other large-scale projects at home and abroad.",
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"latitude": "-6.11585145860925",
"confidential": 1,
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"salaryMin": null,
"salaryMax": 25000000,
"salaryMinStr": "",
"salaryMaxStr": "25.000.000",
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"settlementMethodName": "-",
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"jobDescription": "1.参与制订区域内渠道销售任务和市场拓展任务目标;\n2.负责区域内渠道客户的开发及维护作;\n3.负责支持协助区域内客户的业务进展情况,负责业务过程中的商务及产品技术支持;\n4.负责评估渠道客户及执行中各环节的风险,并提出应对策略;\n5.负责区域内市场水泵项目需求的市场调研,了解市场资讯,参与区域内客户及市场的信息统计和分析工作;\n6.及时向负责的客户传达公司最新产品信息和政策资讯;\n7.统筹安排重点客户技术方案的执行;\n8.完成上级交办的其他工作。\n\n1、本科及以上学历,机械类、营销类相关专业,工科背景为佳,能以英语(其他语种)作为日常工作语言;\n2、10年及以上水泵行业相关工作经验,能接受长期出差市场,有长期出差经验者优先考虑;\n3、较好的职业道德和职业素养,责任心强,适应能力强。\n4、常驻美洲。",
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"educationalBackgroundName": "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)",
"location": "Gudang Balaraja, Kawasan Industri Benua Permai Lestari G14-G15 Jl.Raya Serang KM.25, Sentul Balaraja, Tangerang 15610",
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"jobDescriptionSuffix": "1, bachelor degree or above, majoring in machinery, marketing, engineering background is preferred, able to use English (other languages) as daily working language;\n2, 10 years and above water pump industry related work experience, can accept long-term travel market, long-term travel experience is preferred;\n3、Better professional ethics and professionalism, strong sense of responsibility, strong adaptability.\n4、Resident in the Americas.",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "1.Participate in the development of the regional channel sales tasks and market expansion task objectives;\n2.Responsible for the development and maintenance of channel customers in the region;\n3.Responsible for supporting and assisting the business progress of customers in the region, responsible for the business process of business and product technical support;\n4.Responsible for the assessment of channel customers and the implementation of the various aspects of the risk, and put forward coping strategies;\n5.Responsible for market research on the demand for water pump projects in the regional market, to understand the market information, and participate in the statistical and analytical work of the regional customers and market information;\n6.Communicate the company's latest product information and policy information to the responsible customers in a timely manner;\n7.Coordinate the implementation of technical programs for key customers;\n8.Finish other work assigned by superiors.",
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