Situs Pengusaha

English Teacher (Phonics & Reading Specialist)

I Can Read Summarecon Bekasi
Paruh Waktu
1 lowongan
19/06/2023 - 02/09/2023 Waktu kerja 10:00:00-18:00:00 WIB/Hari libur Min
Ditayangkan pada 14/06/2023 oleh Via
• Plan & deliver the highest quality of lessons
• Ensure the student has the best EF experience possible
• Monitor student's development and communicate frequently with the parents
• Strive to develop professional skill set via attending workshops, training, and self-learning tasks
Degree-level qualifications, preferably in Teaching/Education/Early Childhood/Studies/English/English Literature or Linguistics
Diploma-level qualifications must be in a relevant field such as Teaching/Education/Early Childhood Studies/English Language/English Literature or Linguistics
Female Only with Phonics Teaching Experiences
English speaker with a universally recognisable accent and a strong command of the English Language
At least two years of related teaching experience, or similar
An enthusiasm for teaching young children starting 2.5 years old to above
Strong communication and interpersonal skills
The ability to work well with co-teachers, and Learning Centre Management
The ability to operate with a high level of integrity and professionalism
Location: I Can Read Summarecon Bekasi Centre
Salary IDR 60.000 (All In) per Teaching Hour (Paid Monthly)
Lokasi Kantor
Bekasi Utara, Bekasi, Jawa Barat
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I Can Read Summarecon Bekasi
Edukasi,Kurang dari 10 karyawan
English Course
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