Situs Pengusaha


PT. Intrias Mandiri Sejati
Rp10.000.000 - 15.000.000/bulan
Paruh Waktu
50 lowongan
01/10/2022 - 30/10/2022 Waktu kerja 08:00:00-17:00:00 WIB/Hari libur Sab,Min
Ditayangkan pada 27/09/2022 oleh Azzra Citra Kuslia
Jobdesc DSM :
1. Push Achievement Target
2. Manage Team
3. Develop Sales Business
4. Review Performance /Achievement Team
5. Review & Itv Candidate
6. Visit Store meet Owner Store, Distributor
1. Manager Smartphone min.3years
2. Know Market Sales Smartphone
3. Good Communication
4. Good Attitude
5. Bachelor Degree with all Major
6. Good Ms Office
Abouts Us
PT. Intrias Mandiri Sejati  
Jasa,Lebih dari 300 karyawan
Training, Recruitment and HR Management
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