Situs Pengusaha

telemarketing sales

LRT CITY Cibubur
Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Kerja dari rumah
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 12/09/2024 oleh LRT CITY CIBUBUR
Pengalaman kerja
1-5 tahun
Minimal S1
22-40 tahun
Detail & Bertanggung Jawab,Kerja Tim,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Rajin & Tahan Tekanan,Berorientasi Pada Tujuan
- Generate leads to be potential customers to visit the project
- Delivering talks that describe the project’s products or promo, to persuade
potential customers
- Keeping track of customers that have been contacted and those who
do not want to be contacted in the future
- Following up on previous customers for potential sales
- Weekly report about Customer Journey
- Minimum 1 year of marketing experience with direct client communication
- Outstanding communication skills
- Willing to work on the LRT CITY Cibubur (remote)
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
- Salary - Remote
Abouts Us
LRT CITY Cibubur
Properti,30-300 karyawan
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