Situs Pengusaha


Reno's Bar & Restaurant
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 14/11/2023 oleh Shofe
Pengalaman kerja
1-2 tahun
Minimal SMA/MA
Jenis Kelamin
20-30 tahun
Detail & Bertanggung Jawab,Serius & Detail,Multitasking,Pelayan,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik
Greeting customers in a cafe or restaurant
Introduce them to the menu
Take customer orders and send them to the kitchen staff for preparation
Confirm that the food item matches the order and deliver it to the table
Prepare the restaurant for dining
Adhere to sanitation, safety and alcoholic beverage control policies
Asking if customers are satisfied, providing invoices and processing payments
Operate food & beverage and coffee stations
Attend regular meetings with restaurant and kitchen managers to stay up to date on menu changes and specials
Candidate must have at least a degree (SMA, SMK, Diploma)
Years of work experience in related fields is preferable
Must have (basic/fluent) speaking and writing
Excellent customer service skills
Stamina and physical endurance
Honesty and the ability to handle transactions in a trustworthy manner
Able to work in a team with a positive attitude
fluent in english
Lokasi Kantor
Kuta, Badung, Bali
Abouts Us
Reno's Bar & Restaurant
Makanan Minuman,10-30 karyawan
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{ "id": "1724364170816147539", "userJobId": "0081238", "jobTitle": "Waitress", "jobClassification": "206001", "jobClassificationName": "Makanan/Minuman/Pelayanan Restoran", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": null, "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "115.17165148561", "latitude": "-8.7263807465086", "confidential": 0, "commission": null, "smartInvitation": 0, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": null, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "Rp", "jobDescription": "Greeting customers in a cafe or restaurant\nIntroduce them to the menu\nTake customer orders and send them to the kitchen staff for preparation\nConfirm that the food item matches the order and deliver it to the table\nPrepare the restaurant for dining\nAdhere to sanitation, safety and alcoholic beverage control policies\nAsking if customers are satisfied, providing invoices and processing payments\nOperate food & beverage and coffee stations\nAttend regular meetings with restaurant and kitchen managers to stay up to date on menu changes and specials\n\nCandidate must have at least a degree (SMA, SMK, Diploma)\nYears of work experience in related fields is preferable\nMust have (basic/fluent) speaking and writing\nExcellent customer service skills\nStamina and physical endurance\nHonesty and the ability to handle transactions in a trustworthy manner\nAble to work in a team with a positive attitude\nfluent in english", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 3, "educationalBackgroundName": "SMA/MA", "location": "Jl. 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Raya Uluwatu Pecatu, Pecatu, Kec. 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