Situs Pengusaha


Percentage Liquor Corner
Rp2.200.000 - 3.000.000/bulan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 08/12/2023 oleh percentage
Pengalaman kerja
0-1 tahun
Minimal SMA/MA
Jenis Kelamin
21-27 tahun
1. Serves customers well is a must
2. Clean up the placw, table, hardwares
3. Good team work with colleagues
4. Invite customers
5. Take videos of event/medsos (under supervision)
Qualification :
1. Female
2. Max. 27 Years Old
3. Good looking
4. Good communication skill
5. Good attitude & behaviour
6. Experience min. 1 year
7. Able to work under pressure
8. Able to work with targets & achievements
9. Able to work in shifts & over time
10. Good skill in socialisation
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
1. Service charge 2. Tips 3. Over time fees
Lokasi Kantor
Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten
Abouts Us
Percentage Liquor Corner
Makanan Minuman,Kurang dari 10 karyawan
bottle shop
Lihat semua lowongan dari kami
Lowongan mencurigakan?
Lihat Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
{ "id": "1732784605916426314", "userJobId": "0084389", "jobTitle": "Waiter/Waitress", "jobClassification": "206001", "jobClassificationName": "Makanan/Minuman/Pelayanan Restoran", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": "1. Service charge\n2. Tips\n3. Over time fees", "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.61373000057", "latitude": "-6.2392715835324", "confidential": 0, "commission": null, "smartInvitation": 0, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": 3000000, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "3.000.000", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "Rp", "jobDescription": "1. Serves customers well is a must\n2. Clean up the placw, table, hardwares\n3. Good team work with colleagues\n4. Invite customers \n5. Take videos of event/medsos (under supervision)\n\n\nQualification :\n1. Female\n2. Max. 27 Years Old\n3. Good looking\n4. Good communication skill\n5. 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