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"jobDescription": "Create and edit new videos to support brand activities (vlogs, podcasts, reels, etc)\nMake research to up-to-date on market trends and digital technologies\n\n• Familiarity with Instagram Reels (timing, audience's attention span, portrait composition, transitions, etc) \n• Always up to date with the video trends in the related industry\n• Proficiency with camera equipment\n• Take a brief to grasp creative team's needs and specification\n• Creative mind and storytelling skills\n• A good team player\n• Solid experience with Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects (Plus Point)\nFilm videos on set or on location (Jakarta and Tangerang area)",
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"jobDescriptionPrefix": "Create and edit new videos to support brand activities (vlogs, podcasts, reels, etc)\nMake research to up-to-date on market trends and digital technologies",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Create and edit new videos to support brand activities (vlogs, podcasts, reels, etc)\nMake research to up-to-date on market trends and digital technologies",
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"jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTY2OTI5MTcyMzMwOTQ0NTIwNA==",
"jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTY2OTI5MTcyMzMwOTQ0NTIwNA==",
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