Situs Pengusaha

Tool and Dies Maker

PT Dian Raya Cipta
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 22/06/2023 oleh Eva
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
membuat alat dan bentuk logam untuk operasi pencetakan dan penempaan. menganalisis spesifikasi desain
memotong dan membentuk logam
merakit bagian, dan menguji produk jadi untuk digunakan di fasilitas manufaktur.
- Experienced in dies, jigs, and fixture repairs
- Ability to read and debug engineering drawings
- Capable of troubleshooting dies in order to improve dimensional part quality
- Able to do new dies assembly & trials, developing preventive maintenance plans, setting up spare parts, and defining best practices
- Able to propose and evaluate the processes for die maintenance and reliability
- Work to our QSR, ISO, SOP’s, work rules, and safety guidelines
- Knowledgable in TPS or the 5S culture
-Minimum education Diploma/ Bachelor from all major
-Experienced in manufacture industry between 1 - 3 years
-Able to use MS Office
-Hardworker, communicative and understand Horenso
Lokasi Kantor
Cikarang Pusat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat
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PT Dian Raya Cipta
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
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