Situs Pengusaha

Technical Engineering

Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Penuh Waktu
10 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 25/01/2024 oleh PT BEST PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY
Pengalaman kerja
1-2 tahun
Minimal S1
20-27 tahun
Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Multitasking,Disiplin Ketat,Kemampuan Negosiasi,Bisa Bekerja SecaraShift
1. Install, configure, and maintain hardware and software.
2. Solve technical problems and respond to technical support requests from users or customers.
3. Perform routine maintenance, monitoring and system updates.
4. Analyze and identify the causes of technical problems and resolve them.
5. Create and maintain technical documentation such as user guides, standard operating procedures, and maintenance reports.
6. Conduct training and counseling to users or customers regarding the use of technical systems.
Kualifikasi :
1. Min.Bachelor degree in Engineering or any related field
2. Min.3-5 years Engineering field.
3. Have Technical School Certificate
4. Have good mechanical background and 3 years experience in Assembling and Pressure Testing in oilfield equipment tools and services.
5. Have knowledge of machines,hand tools and power tools needed for assembly.
6. Have ability to work with minimal supervision and instructions.
7. Willing place in Tangerang.
Lokasi Kantor
Teluknaga, Tangerang, Banten
Abouts Us
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
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Conduct training and counseling to users or customers regarding the use of technical systems.", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "1. Install, configure, and maintain hardware and software.\n2. Solve technical problems and respond to technical support requests from users or customers.\n3. Perform routine maintenance, monitoring and system updates.\n4. Analyze and identify the causes of technical problems and resolve them.\n5. Create and maintain technical documentation such as user guides, standard operating procedures, and maintenance reports.\n6. Conduct training and counseling to users or customers regarding the use of technical systems.", "areaLocation": "Teluknaga, Tangerang, Banten.(Jl. Raya Kampung Melayu No.189, Bojong Renged, Kec. 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