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"jobDescription": "-Prepare all documents required for any tax related process (e.g Tax ID Registration, eFIN Registration, revocation of tax ID, etc)\n-Assist the superrior in preparing monthly tax returns\n-Assist the superrior in preparing annual CITR\n-Support the superrior in handling tax dispute case\n-Handle administrative work in relation with the project\n-Perform in depth research on tax regulation and or tax case\n\n-Bachelor degree from reputable university majoring in Accounting or Fiscal (having Brevet or Tax consultant certificate will be an advantage)\n-Good attention to detail with minimum working experience of 4 years preferably in tax consulting firm\n-Proficient with the eSPT, eFaktur, eBupot and other tax tax program will be an advantage\n-Having experience in tax consulting firm will be an advantage\n-Avle to communicate in English, booth oral and written\n-Passionate about taxation field\n-Able to work in a team and have a strong willingness to learn\n-Able to deliver the work within the deadline\n-Good interpersonal and communication skill\n-Honest, proactive, reliable and responsible to the job",
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"jobDescriptionSuffix": "-Bachelor degree from reputable university majoring in Accounting or Fiscal (having Brevet or Tax consultant certificate will be an advantage)\n-Good attention to detail with minimum working experience of 4 years preferably in tax consulting firm\n-Proficient with the eSPT, eFaktur, eBupot and other tax tax program will be an advantage\n-Having experience in tax consulting firm will be an advantage\n-Avle to communicate in English, booth oral and written\n-Passionate about taxation field\n-Able to work in a team and have a strong willingness to learn\n-Able to deliver the work within the deadline\n-Good interpersonal and communication skill\n-Honest, proactive, reliable and responsible to the job",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "-Prepare all documents required for any tax related process (e.g Tax ID Registration, eFIN Registration, revocation of tax ID, etc)\n-Assist the superrior in preparing monthly tax returns\n-Assist the superrior in preparing annual CITR\n-Support the superrior in handling tax dispute case\n-Handle administrative work in relation with the project\n-Perform in depth research on tax regulation and or tax case",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "-Prepare all documents required for any tax related process (e.g Tax ID Registration, eFIN Registration, revocation of tax ID, etc)\n-Assist the superrior in preparing monthly tax returns\n-Assist the superrior in preparing annual CITR\n-Support the superrior in handling tax dispute case\n-Handle administrative work in relation with the project\n-Perform in depth research on tax regulation and or tax case",
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