Situs Pengusaha

Store Manager

Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 10/07/2023 oleh
Hello!Dandelion Indonesia, a leading premium salon for lash extensions - nails - and waxing, is looking for a Store Manager, based in Jakarta.If you are an individual, who has attention to details and willing to learn new things in the beauty industry, we want you!Qualifications :- Talented Individual at maximum age 35 years old- Holds minimum Bachelor Degree in any Major- Has experiences as Store Manager minimum 3 years or more- Details oriented, High Achiever, and Adaptive with new things- Has a good Self-Leadership- Has good communication skills & can coordinates from bottom to top level. Able to manage & motivate teams- Experienced in maintaining the customer's loyalty & service excellent- Has a good analytical thinking in order to increase sales & maintain the operational cost efficiencies- Able to identify and increase the company's operational perform and maintain the sustainability of company's strengthness.- Able to develop and execute company’s plan and goals (short and medium term)- Has attended formal or informal trainings about Leadership/Service Excellent/Organizational Development (company Management), and related. - Aware with market trends in the beauty industry and understanding forthcoming customer initiatives & needs. Thank you.
Lokasi Kantor
Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
Lowongan mencurigakan?
Lihat Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
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