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"jobDescription": "•\tMaintaining the highest possible standards of customer service, product quality, and restaurant cleanliness.\n•\tTo ensure all food and equipment are prepared in time for the restaurant opening or ensure that all food products and equipment are stored in the correct manner prior to closing the restaurant in the evening.\n•\tTo complete daily paperwork on recording sales, stock, staff hours, payroll information, and cash control.\n•\tMonitor service quality in terms of ordering procedures, and order accuracy of the front counter staff.\n•\tAssist Restaurant Managers with ineffective absence management methods, takes appropriate disciplinary action Provide and encourage on-the-job training and coaching.\n\n\n•\tCandidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree, in Food & Beverages Services Management, Hospitality/Tourism Management, and Business Management.\n•\tAt least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.\n•\tAble to communicate in English & Bahasa.\n•\tPreferably Manager/Assistant Manager specializing in Restaurant.\n•\tWilling to work in shift.\n•\tAble to work in under pressure situations.",
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