Situs Pengusaha

Socmed Campaign & Project Staff

PT Magada Tirta Amerta
Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 28/08/2024 oleh
Pengalaman kerja
1-10 tahun
Minimal S1
18-60 tahun
2+ years experience in social media, marketing communications, online marketing, digital agencies, advertising and other related fields (FMCG, agency, or tech/start-up industry background is a huge plus)
Communications, marketing, advertising, or related background
Excellent practical understanding of social media and marketing content
Experience in managing Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube platforms (have experience social listening tools/analysis is a plus)
Understanding of how creative content can drive results for Brand and high-brand conversation
Basic project management skills
Ability to multitask, meet deadlines and thrive in a fast-paced environment
Excellent writing and speaking in English
Job Desc:
Monitor, schedule, report; consolidate social media data and conduct post-campaign analysis for social media channels.
Work with other departments to develop social media timelines coinciding with new product/campaign releases, campaign content, and influencers campaigns.
Monitor and develop reports on social voice/competitor activity within the social media space
In relation to social media management: creative content creation that drives the brand and engages customers, and keeps up-to-date with social media trends
Liaise with internal team & external agencies to ensure on time on full delivery of flawless and seamless coordination with related PICs and campaigns
Tracking results on a campaign basis by working with multiple stakeholders to ensure the campaign KPI is right on track and delivered as committed.
Lokasi Kantor
Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
Lowongan mencurigakan?
Lihat Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
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TEBET", "jobDescriptionSuffix": null, "jobDescriptionPrefix": "Requirements:\n\n2+ years experience in social media, marketing communications, online marketing, digital agencies, advertising and other related fields (FMCG, agency, or tech/start-up industry background is a huge plus)\n\nCommunications, marketing, advertising, or related background\n\nExcellent practical understanding of social media and marketing content\n\nExperience in managing Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube platforms (have experience social listening tools/analysis is a plus)\n\nUnderstanding of how creative content can drive results for Brand and high-brand conversation\n\nBasic project management skills\n\nAbility to multitask, meet deadlines and thrive in a fast-paced environment\n\nExcellent writing and speaking in English\n\n\nJob Desc: \n\nMonitor, schedule, report; consolidate social media data and conduct post-campaign analysis for social media channels.\n\nWork with other departments to develop social media timelines coinciding with new product/campaign releases, campaign content, and influencers campaigns.\n\nMonitor and develop reports on social voice/competitor activity within the social media space\n\nIn relation to social media management: creative content creation that drives the brand and engages customers, and keeps up-to-date with social media trends\n\nLiaise with internal team & external agencies to ensure on time on full delivery of flawless and seamless coordination with related PICs and campaigns\n\nTracking results on a campaign basis by working with multiple stakeholders to ensure the campaign KPI is right on track and delivered as committed.", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Requirements:\n\n2+ years experience in social media, marketing communications, online marketing, digital agencies, advertising and other related fields (FMCG, agency, or tech/start-up industry background is a huge plus)\n\nCommunications, marketing, advertising, or related background\n\nExcellent practical understanding of social media and marketing content\n\nExperience in managing Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube platforms (have experience social listening tools/analysis is a plus)\n\nUnderstanding of how creative content can drive results for Brand and high-brand conversation\n\nBasic project management skills\n\nAbility to multitask, meet deadlines and thrive in a fast-paced environment\n\nExcellent writing and speaking in English\n\n\nJob Desc: \n\nMonitor, schedule, report; consolidate social media data and conduct post-campaign analysis for social media channels.\n\nWork with other departments to develop social media timelines coinciding with new product/campaign releases, campaign content, and influencers campaigns.\n\nMonitor and develop reports on social voice/competitor activity within the social media space\n\nIn relation to social media management: creative content creation that drives the brand and engages customers, and keeps up-to-date with social media trends\n\nLiaise with internal team & external agencies to ensure on time on full delivery of flawless and seamless coordination with related PICs and campaigns\n\nTracking results on a campaign basis by working with multiple stakeholders to ensure the campaign KPI is right on track and delivered as committed.", "areaLocation": "KEC. 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