Situs Pengusaha

Social Media Specialist

PT. Zhi Sheng Indonesia
Timor Tengah Selatan
Paruh Waktu
12 lowongan
26/05/2023 - 28/05/2023 Waktu kerja 08:30:00-20:00:00 WIB
Ditayangkan pada 25/05/2023 oleh kupu
Pengalaman kerja
1-5 tahun
Minimal SMA/MA
Detail & Bertanggung Jawab,Pengalaman Layanan Pelanggan
Branding Awareness
Create Content videos and photos for Social media and Market place
Create Content planner, daily, weekly, and monthly for social media and marketplace
Create Marketing Strategic Plan, monthly
Create a content production flow
Handling Influencer / KOL
Create Social media and marketplace Ads
Social media and marketplace management
Create Report and analytic metrics for social media and marketplace ads
Increase Sales
Familiar with any design applications
Familiar with SEO, impression, and engagement
Familiar with selling system
Good Communication skill
Fluent in English both oral and written
Lokasi Kantor
Fatukopa, Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Abouts Us
PT. Zhi Sheng Indonesia
Elektronik,30-300 karyawan
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