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"jobDescription": "•\tFollow up with customers for AR collection\n•\tPrepare and send weekly/monthly SOA to customers\n•\tPrepare weekly AR reports\n•\tPrepare quarterly AR overdue analysis report\n•\tCoordinate customers’ requests for clarifications with operation team if necessary\n•\tPerform AR settlements in the accounting system\n•\tPrepare and submit tax reports (Pph23/26, Pph25, and PPN) in a timely manner\n•\tInput VAT IN and VAT OUT in E-Faktur system\n•\tReconcile taxes between General Ledger and government tax system (Pph21, Pph23/26, Pph25/29, and PPN)\n•\tReview tax invoices to customers and from vendors\n•\tMaintain proper accounting and tax record, documentation and filing\n•\tPrepare and compile required information for statutory audit and tax audit\n•\tLiaise with auditors and tax consultants\n•\tAssist finance manager in monthly accounting closing\n•\tPerform ad hoc assignments as assigned from superior\n\n\n1.\tBachelor of Finance or Accounting\n2.\tMinimum 3 years experience as Senior Accountant (Preferably in Freight Forwarding Industry)\n3.\tMinimum 3 years experience handling tax matters (Pph21, Pph23/26, Pph25/29, and PPN)\n4.\tAble to communicate in English (written and spoken)\n",
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