Situs Pengusaha

Sales Product Specialist

PT Doxadigital Indonesia
Rp5.000.000 - 5.500.000/bulan
Jakarta Barat
Penuh Waktu
2 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 12/10/2023 oleh Retno Arriyanti
Pengalaman kerja
1-2 tahun
Minimal S1
25-35 tahun
Mastering the products, applications and solutions offered under the Standout Digital business unit.
Conduct product presentations to prospective customers.
Meet sales targets on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
Helping sales people to approach, follow-up, and close potential customers.
Assist in the creation of educational/documentation content for products, applications and solutions offered by the Standout Digital business unit.
Help develop the Digital Marketing community under the Digital Standout business unit.
Helping good relations with vendors / 3rd parties.
Make regular reports on sales in the Standout Digital business unit.
Train telesales and optimize telesales methods to the maximum.
Minimum S1 from all majors, preferably from Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Marketing.
Preferably Male (age min 25 - 35 years old).
Preference will be given to those who live in the west Jakarta and Tangerang area.
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same field for CRM products (Freshworks).
Have the ability to speak English both orally and in writing.
Have a sociable, friendly and good interpersonal personality.
Have the ability to make sales proposal or PPT Presentation skills.
Have the ability to present products and have good negotiation skills.
Have the ability in sales reports.
Have Digital Marketing Knowledge.
Lokasi Kantor
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta
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PT Doxadigital Indonesia
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