Situs Pengusaha

Sales Executive

Dinamika Expressindo
Rp5.000.000 - 8.000.000/bulan
Paruh Waktu
50 lowongan
16/10/2022 - 01/01/2023 Waktu kerja 08:30:00-16:30:00 WIB/Hari libur Sen,Sel,Rabu,Kam,Jum
Ditayangkan pada 11/10/2022 oleh Afrizal Ardiansyah
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
Job Requirements:
1. Maximum age 40 years, minimum Bachelor Degree
2. Proven work experience minimal 2 years in shipping company / airlines / GSA shipping
3. Broad knowledge of forwading and logistics industry covering sea, air, land, Warehouse and Distribution
4. Proven experience in planning and implementing sales strategies
5. Trustworthy and proven ability to work in sales team
6. Willing to work hard, over time, honest, good attitude.
7. We are looking for candidates
1. Memiliki kemampuan intrapersonal dan komunikasi serta negosiasi yang baik
2. Mampu mencapai target penjualan
3. Mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik
Abouts Us
Dinamika Expressindo
Logistik,30-300 karyawan
Our company was established in Indonesia in 1991 which provide sea, air, land transportation services, warehousing, and logistics distribution.
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