Situs Pengusaha

Sales Director

Rp25.000.000 - 30.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Barat
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 09/08/2023 oleh Nadia
• Managing organizational sales by developing a business plan that covers sales, revenue and expense controls
• Meeting planned sales goals
• Setting individual sales targets with the sales team
• Tracking sales goals and reporting results as necessary
• Overseeing the activities and performance of the sales team
• Coordinating with marketing on lead generation
• The ongoing training of your salespeople
• Developing your sales team through motivation, counseling and product knowledge education
• Promoting the organization and products
• Understand our ideal customers and how they relate to our products
• Must posses at least bachelor's degree in business or related field
• Experience as a sales / marketing at least 10 years
• Experience in planning and implementing sales strategies
• Experience in customer relationship management
• Experience managing and directing a sales team
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Lokasi Kantor
Taman Sari, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta
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Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
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