Situs Pengusaha

Sales B2B

PT Uniktif Media Indonesia
Rp5.000.000 - 8.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Barat
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 30/11/2023 oleh Dewi Anggrayni
Pengalaman kerja
3-5 tahun
Minimal Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)
25-35 tahun
Mencari Pelanggan Baru,Berorientasi Pada Tujuan,Setia & Jujur,Multitasking,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik
1. Handling promotion strategies through various B2B channels such as e-mail, telephone, LinkedIn, social media, convention, business conference, digital marketing, etc.
2. Canvassing business opportunities with new partners to build beneficial relationship with other related parties.
3. Maintaining the relationships with existing stakeholders to support selling process.
4. Develop, execute, and evaluate sales plans & strategies.
Qualification :
- D3 or bachelor's degree from any majors.
- Minimum 3 years of experience managing customer accounts and upselling products in B2B sectors and SaaS companies.
- Strong familiarity within the IT industry and business.
- Well-versed in selling, presentation, and negotiation.
- Excellent communcation skills to maintain relationship with clients of all levels.
- Wiling to travel outside Jakarta if needed.Up to date with the development of technology
- Having a database of potential clients is a plus.
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
Benefit : - Commision (Based on Sales Number)
Lokasi Kantor
Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT Uniktif Media Indonesia
Teknologi,30-300 karyawan
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Maintaining the relationships with existing stakeholders to support selling process.\n4. Develop, execute, and evaluate sales plans & strategies.\n\nQualification :\n- D3 or bachelor's degree from any majors.\n- Minimum 3 years of experience managing customer accounts and upselling products in B2B sectors and SaaS companies.\n- Strong familiarity within the IT industry and business.\n- Well-versed in selling, presentation, and negotiation.\n- Excellent communcation skills to maintain relationship with clients of all levels.\n- Wiling to travel outside Jakarta if needed.Up to date with the development of technology\n- Having a database of potential clients is a plus.\n", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 5, "educationalBackgroundName": "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)", "location": "Ruko Garden Shopping Arcade No 9 BH\nPodomoro City (Central Park)\nJln. Letjend. S. 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Develop, execute, and evaluate sales plans & strategies.", "areaLocation": "Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta.(Ruko Garden Shopping Arcade No 9 BH\nPodomoro City (Central Park)\nJln. Letjend. S. 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