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"jobDescription": "-Manage the overall bar and beverage team and program for the restaurant\n-Create and maintain service and operational standards, making use of best practices and efficiencies where possible\n-Liaison and build relationships with suppliers to source new products, new promotions and improved pricing\n-Communicate the vision to all team members and leads by example.\n-Build and maintain relationships with guests, team members and senior management alike\n\n-Candidate must possess at least Diploma, Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Food & Beverage Services Management, Hospitality/Tourism/Hotel Management or equivalent\n-Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia\n-At least 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position\n-Required Skill(s): Restaurants operations, handling complaints, staff development, and customer relation\n-Preferably Manager/Assistant Manager specialized in Food/Beverage/Restaurant Service or equivalent",
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"location": "PT ARTISAN KULINER INDONESIA\n\nJalan Deplu Raya No 12 RT 003/003, Kel. Bintaro, Kec. Bintaro, Jakarta Selatan",
"introduction": "About Artisan Kuliner Group\nArtisan Kuliner Group is an F&B company established in 2013, which heart and soul is coming from our creators’ love and expertise in patisserie, fine artisan chocolate and specialty coffee. We currently operates an all-day-dining establishment with our Social Affair brand, Artisan Social Affair, Super Yumcha, Bakerman, KAKAW, Super Yumcha, Canton 108, Polobund, Noesaka and its expansion plan. Aside from focusing on restaurant business, we also operates a central kitchen that focuses in baked goods and chocolate for both retail and wholesale. We have been doing wholesale to surrounding restaurants and hotels, One Fifteen café, Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, and Potato Head Bali, to name a few. Our company believes in the importance of high quality ingredients to create an enjoyable yet unforgettable experience for our customers.",
"areaName": "Kec. Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta",
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