Situs Pengusaha


PT Doxadigital Indonesia
Rp5.000.000 - 6.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Barat
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 12/10/2023 oleh Retno Arriyanti
Pengalaman kerja
0-3 tahun
Minimal Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)
20-35 tahun
Responsible for creating Pitching Decks for Social Media clients.
Maintaining each client account well and managing new ideas and strategies to improve the quality of each account so that it meets the Social Media KPIs, whether held by yourself or by the Social Media Team.
Develop, implement and manage a Social Media Strategy (Content Plan, activation, reporting and interacting with Followers) that is appropriate and consistent with brand identity. Scope of Social Media Platforms; IG, Facebook, Tiktok Youtube, Twitter or other social media based on client requests.
Responsible for creating, controlling and reporting KOL in accordance with the client's brief.
Responsible for creating, controlling and reporting KOL in accordance with the client's brief.
Have the ability to use analytical tools needed for monitoring & analysis such as Google Analytics, Hootsuite Pro and Facebook Insights
Collaborate with content writers, team strategists, designers to create content.
Coordinating with related teams in fulfilling client needs/requests.
Set a Boost Post schedule for Social Media.
Minimum Bachelor's degree (S1), Communication (preferred)
Male/ Female , Minimum 25 Years old
Have the ability to create & present a pitching deck well
Have the ability to speak English both spoken and written.
Have 1-3 previous work experience in a Digital Marketing Agency.
Please submit your CV & Portofolio
Lokasi Kantor
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT Doxadigital Indonesia
Lainnya,10-30 karyawan
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{ "id": "1712331716718534732", "userJobId": "0076022", "jobTitle": "SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIST", "jobClassification": "203012", "jobClassificationName": "Digital Marketing", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": null, "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.76562713996", "latitude": "-6.1915512955549", "confidential": 0, "commission": null, "smartInvitation": 0, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": 6000000, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "6.000.000", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "Rp", "jobDescription": "Responsible for creating Pitching Decks for Social Media clients.\nMaintaining each client account well and managing new ideas and strategies to improve the quality of each account so that it meets the Social Media KPIs, whether held by yourself or by the Social Media Team.\nDevelop, implement and manage a Social Media Strategy (Content Plan, activation, reporting and interacting with Followers) that is appropriate and consistent with brand identity. 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Kb. Jeruk", "jobDescriptionSuffix": "Minimum Bachelor's degree (S1), Communication (preferred)\nMale/ Female , Minimum 25 Years old\nHave the ability to create & present a pitching deck well\nHave the ability to speak English both spoken and written.\nHave 1-3 previous work experience in a Digital Marketing Agency.\nPlease submit your CV & Portofolio", "jobDescriptionPrefix": "Responsible for creating Pitching Decks for Social Media clients.\nMaintaining each client account well and managing new ideas and strategies to improve the quality of each account so that it meets the Social Media KPIs, whether held by yourself or by the Social Media Team.\nDevelop, implement and manage a Social Media Strategy (Content Plan, activation, reporting and interacting with Followers) that is appropriate and consistent with brand identity. 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