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"jobDescription": "- Create market for product registration (follow up the medical device company, cosmetics company and others)\n- Maintain relationship with customer\n- Ensure compliance with the requirements of BPOM and MOH regulations\n- Assists make SOP related to AKL/AKD, RUO, SKIPIP, SKI and others\n- Create and arrange the medical device submission based on classification to be registered with MOH\n- Understand OSS, IDAK and CDAKB Process\n- Have strong knowledge and interest medical devices and product related to MOH or BPOM\n- Actively follow-up (consultation) with Regulatory Authorities/MOH/BPOM on the regulatory submissions and approvals\n- Always update the new regulations to company which will impact to the business continuity\n- Have attended CDAKB Training for PJT held by the Ministry of Health\n- Understand the LKPP e-catalogue, submission process\n\n- At least 2 years of related experience preferred\n- Bachelor's Degree/Post Graduate Diploma Pharmacist\n- Has a CDAKB Training certificate for PJT held by the Ministry of Health (If any)\n- Has an understanding and knowledge of GDP and registration process for BPOM, MOH, Halal, product legality\n- Has Experience in registering the cosmetic and medical device product to BPOM/MOH\n- Has Experience in handling LKPP e-catalogue and KFA MOH\n- Know regulations regarding pharmacovigilance, BPOM and MOH\n- Can work remotely from home (visit to customer based on appointment)",
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