Situs Pengusaha


PT Baoshuo Taman Industry Investment Group
Rp7.000.000 - 10.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 25/09/2024 oleh Saskia Trifidita
Pengalaman kerja
0-10 tahun
Minimal Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)
Jenis Kelamin
21-35 tahun
Pengoperasian Microsoft,Disiplin & Bertanggung Jawab,Setia & Jujur,Multitasking,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik
1. Manage all incoming and outgoing calls with professionalism and efficiency.
2. Handle incoming and outgoing documents, packages, and other materials promptly and accurately.
3. Extend a courteous and welcoming reception to all company guests.
4. Provide support for various administrative operational tasks as needed.
5. Perform daily secretarial duties with precision and attention to detail.
6. Arrange meeting rooms effectively to facilitate smooth operations.
7. Fulfill additional responsibilities as delegated by management.
1. Minimum qualification of a Vocational Diploma in any field.
2. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
3. Excellent command of the English language.
4. Proficiency in basic Mandarin is advantageous.
5. Ability to proficiently operate Microsoft Office applications.
6. Demonstrated attributes of being proactive, intelligent, thorough, and capable.
Lokasi Kantor
Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT Baoshuo Taman Industry Investment Group
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
Indonesia's Nickel-based Industrial Park in Morowali and established based on Indonesian state law domiciled in North Jakarta.
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Perform daily secretarial duties with precision and attention to detail.\n6. Arrange meeting rooms effectively to facilitate smooth operations.\n7. Fulfill additional responsibilities as delegated by management.\n\n\nQualifications:\n1. Minimum qualification of a Vocational Diploma in any field.\n2. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.\n3. Excellent command of the English language.\n4. Proficiency in basic Mandarin is advantageous.\n5. Ability to proficiently operate Microsoft Office applications.\n6. Demonstrated attributes of being proactive, intelligent, thorough, and capable.", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 5, "educationalBackgroundName": "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)", "location": "Gedung World Capital Tower Lt.39 J1 Jalan DR, IDE Anak Agung GDE Agung Lot D, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Raya, 12950", "status": 0, "hidden": 0, "ageReq": -1, "companyId": "1397922133879093192", "company": { "id": "1397922133879093192", "name": "PT Baoshuo Taman Industry Investment Group", "shortName": "", "logoUrl": "", "banner1Url": "", "banner2Url": "", "scaleCode": "3", "scaleName": "30-300 karyawan", "location": "Gedung World Capital Tower Lt.39 J1 Jalan DR, IDE Anak Agung GDE Agung Lot D, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Raya, 12950", "introduction": "Indonesia's Nickel-based Industrial Park in Morowali and established based on Indonesian state law domiciled in North Jakarta.", "areaName": "Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta", "nibNumber": "", "compnyTelphone": "81281121400", "companyEmail": "", "companyIndustryCategory": "14", "companyIndustryCategoryName": "Lainnya", "nibCode": null, "nibCodeName": null, "introductionImg": "", "locationName": null, "longitude": "106.82691854895474", "latitude": "-6.2294269551887", "areaId": 0, "postal": "12950", "provinceId": 31, "countyId": 3171100, "areaSelectType": 3, "cityId": 3171, "provinceName": "Dki Jakarta", "cityName": "Jakarta Selatan", "countyName": "Setia Budi", "kbliKode": "", "kbliName": "", "site": "", "createUserId": 1782255408673628200, "updateUserId": 1782255408673628200, "status": 0, "workTimeCode": "" }, "viewCount": 0, "postCount": 0, "cityId": "3171", "createTime": "2024-06-27 17:17:41", "userId": "1762879406222708771", "createUserId": "1782255408673628225", "createUserName": "Saskia Trifidita", "createUserPhoneNum": "81281121400", "createUserHeadPortrait": "", "duty": "Human Resources Staff", "updateTime": "2024-09-25 10:28:48", "updateUserId": "1782255408673628225", "postal": "12950", "areaName": "Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta", "intention": 0, "salary": 7000000, "jobVacancy": 1, "provinceId": "31", "countyId": "3171100", "provinceName": "Dki Jakarta", "cityName": "Jakarta Selatan", "countyName": "Setia Budi", "workFromHome": 0, "jobRequiredTypeList": [], "employerType": 1, "salaryUnit": 4, "salaryUnitName": "bulan", "createTimeFormat": "27 Jun 2024", "updateTimeFormat": "25/09/2024", "createTimeFormat1": "27 Jun 2024, 17:17 WIB", "updateTimeFormat1": "25 Sep 2024, 10:28 WIB", "genderReq": 2, "ageMinReq": 21, "ageMaxReq": 35, "genderReqName": "Wanita", "areaSelectType": 3, "salaryFormat": "7.000.000", "distance": null, "listRequiredValue": null, "userRoleStatus": 1, "blackStatus": 0, "vacanced": null, "offeredNum": null, "workDateStart": null, "workDateStartFormat": null, "workTimeFormat": null, "workDateEnd": null, "workDateEndFormat": null, "workTimeStart": null, "workTimeEnd": null, "workDayOff": "", "workTotalDay": null, "workTotalSalary": null, "applyDeadLine": null, "applyDeadLineFmt": null, "offerOrApplyInfoRes": { "id": null, "status": 8, "optime": null, "optimeFormat": null, "reason": null, "jobTitle": "Receptionist", "jobType": 1, "currentStatus": -1 }, "vacancies": 1, "virtualOfferedNum": null, "virtualVacancy": 1, "virtualVacancies": null, "applied": null, "offered": null, "declined": null, "rejected": null, "totalRecordNum": 0, "averageScore": 0, "badgeId": null, "questionsId": null, "questionSelectType": null, "badgeName": null, "badgeLogo": null, "questionsName": null, "questionsNameList": null, "heightMinReq": 0, "heightMaxReq": 0, "weightMinReq": 0, "weightMaxReq": 0, "kupuJob": 0, "badgeLevelName": null, "badgeLevelCode": null, "addressReq": null, "addressReqName": null, "experienceMinReq": 0, "experienceMaxReq": 10, "verifyReq": null, "videoIntroductionReq": null, "jobRequirements": [ "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)", "Wanita", "21-35 tahun", "0-10 tahun", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "jpInvitationCode": null, "skillReq": null, "skillReqName": null, "jobApproveLogResList": null, "editFields": null, "reason": null, "delTime": null, "updateUserName": null, "shortlistNum": null, "transferLogList": null, "optTime": null, "salaryRangeFmt": "7.000.000 - 10.000.000", "salaryRangeShortFmt": "7 jt - 10 jt", "statusOptRole": 1, "optRole": null, "approveTime": "2024-06-28 16:48:14", "picId": 1719552829622399000, "picName": null, "userStatus": 1, "videoInterviewReq": 1, "contactNumber": "81281121400", "jobVideoList": [], "skillTagReq": "2,11,21,23,25", "jobRequirementList": [ "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)", "Wanita", "21-35 tahun", "0-10 tahun", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "resumeGuideFlag": null, "mapProvinceName": "Dki Jakarta", "mapCityName": "Jakarta Selatan", "mapCountyName": "Setia Budi", "jobDescriptionSuffix": "", "jobDescriptionPrefix": "1. 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