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"jobDescriptionSuffix": "- Punctual, reliable and honest\n- Able to dress well \n- Able to work independently and within a team \n- Social media savvy and is not camera shy \n- Have a good communication skills \n- Able to commute using your own transportation \n- Eager problem solver and solution finder \n- Undergradutates Students are very welcome",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "You will be working with other young agents ranging from early 20s to 20 years of age. Your clients and customers will be of the similar age. First home buyers and young family. Your day to day will be filled with advertising your listing, creating content of the house youre selling and developing your leads. On the weekend, you will be doing most of the sales activity, house showing and following up on your customers",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "You will be working with other young agents ranging from early 20s to 20 years of age. Your clients and customers will be of the similar age. First home buyers and young family. Your day to day will be filled with advertising your listing, creating content of the house youre selling and developing your leads. On the weekend, you will be doing most of the sales activity, house showing and following up on your customers",
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