Situs Pengusaha

Operational Staff

Sinergia Worldwide Education
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 13/06/2023 oleh Muhammad (Mamet)
Schedule the teaching and learning activities
Carry out administrative activities that support Operational activities.
Following the mutually agreed operational schedule and activities.
Conduct daily progress reports or daily activities reports with the Operational team.
Assisting after sales service activities, including assisting in monitoring fitting outs, payment progress to the Finance Department, student registration processes with the CS team.
Assisting activities related to Operational
Record attendance of students, teachers, and employees
Other task as assigned
Minimum education Bachelor (S1) with major of Educational Management, Management, Information System, or Science Tech (incl. Statistic and Engineering) major.
Have a minimum of 1-2 years of experience in the related area, preferably those who have struggled in the field of education
Have knowledge and understanding about education (mainly about homeschooling)
Have good communication and management skills.
Able to speak English both oral and written.
Able to work together with other departments.
Able to work under pressure.
Detailed and Organized person with a good work Focus
Advanced with Excel
Energetic, honest, neat with excellent time management.
Willing to be placed in Jakarta.
Lokasi Kantor
Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Sinergia Worldwide Education
Edukasi,30-300 karyawan
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Statistic and Engineering) major.\nHave a minimum of 1-2 years of experience in the related area, preferably those who have struggled in the field of education\nHave knowledge and understanding about education (mainly about homeschooling)\nHave good communication and management skills.\nAble to speak English both oral and written.\nAble to work together with other departments.\nAble to work under pressure.\nDetailed and Organized person with a good work Focus\nAdvanced with Excel\nEnergetic, honest, neat with excellent time management.\nWilling to be placed in Jakarta.", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": null, "educationalBackgroundName": null, "location": " STC Senayan\n2nd Floor No. 51/54\nJl. 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Statistic and Engineering) major.\nHave a minimum of 1-2 years of experience in the related area, preferably those who have struggled in the field of education\nHave knowledge and understanding about education (mainly about homeschooling)\nHave good communication and management skills.\nAble to speak English both oral and written.\nAble to work together with other departments.\nAble to work under pressure.\nDetailed and Organized person with a good work Focus\nAdvanced with Excel\nEnergetic, honest, neat with excellent time management.\nWilling to be placed in Jakarta.", "jobDescriptionPrefix": "Schedule the teaching and learning activities\nCarry out administrative activities that support Operational activities.\nFollowing the mutually agreed operational schedule and activities.\nConduct daily progress reports or daily activities reports with the Operational team.\nAssisting after sales service activities, including assisting in monitoring fitting outs, payment progress to the Finance Department, student registration processes with the CS team.\nAssisting activities related to Operational\nRecord attendance of students, teachers, and employees\nOther task as assigned", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Schedule the teaching and learning activities\nCarry out administrative activities that support Operational activities.\nFollowing the mutually agreed operational schedule and activities.\nConduct daily progress reports or daily activities reports with the Operational team.\nAssisting after sales service activities, including assisting in monitoring fitting outs, payment progress to the Finance Department, student registration processes with the CS team.\nAssisting activities related to Operational\nRecord attendance of students, teachers, and employees\nOther task as assigned", "areaLocation": "Jl. 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