Situs Pengusaha

Mobile Android Developer

PT. Swamedia Daya Mandiri
Rp7.000.000 - 11.000.000/bulan
Penuh Waktu
2 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 17/07/2023 oleh Anjar Evita
- Support the entire application development lifecycle (concept, technical requirement, design, test, release, and support)
- Produce fully functional mobile applications writing clean and secure code
- Gather specific requirements and suggest solutions
- Write unit and UI tests to identify malfunctions
- Troubleshoot and debug to optimize performance
- Design interfaces to improve user experience
- Liaise with the Product development team to plan new features
- Ensure new and legacy applications meet quality standards
- Research and suggest new mobile products, applications, and protocols
- Stay up-to-date with new technology trends
- Ensure to deliver the product on time and meet the target
- Onsite development, Placement at BSD Tangerang
- BSC degree in Computer Science or a relevant field
- Follow Scrum / Agile methodologies
- Proven minimum 3 years of work experience as an Android Mobile developer
- Kotlin and Java Knowledge & experience (mandatory)
- Having React or React Native experience is a plus
- Demonstrable portfolio of released applications on the App
- Store or the Android Google Play
- Experience with third-party libraries and APIs, GitLab/Github
- Familiarity with OOP design principles
- Excellent analytical skills with a good problem-solving attitude
- Ability to perform in a team environment
Lokasi Kantor
Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung, Jawa Barat
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PT. Swamedia Daya Mandiri
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
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