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"location": "Cengkareng Business City Lot 12 Lantai 1 Unit 18-19, Jl. Atang Sanjaya No.21, Kota Tangerang, Banten",
"introduction": "PT Solusi Eksplorasi Rembulan Utama (SERU) merupakan perusahaan rintisan (start-up) yang sedang berkembang pesat dan merupakan rebranding dari PT Bali Cipta Inovator. Kami berdiri sejak tahun 2018 dan memfokuskan diri pada institusi swasta. Kami menyediakan berbagai layanan seperti proyek infrastruktur IT, perangkat keras dan juga pengembangan perangkat lunak, serta konsultasi.",
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"jobDescriptionPrefix": "Job Responsibilities:\n\n Code using `Angular` or `React`.\n Design, build, and maintain clean, efficient, reusable, and reliable code.\n Perform testing and create technical documentation.\n Maintain and adjust existing application codebase include troubleshooting bugs to ensure. strong optimization and functionality.\n Identify company’s user and system requirements for new website, and estimate the time spent on each task.\n Effectively use tools and ingenuity to identify and fix defects before they become a problem.\n Work as part of a team developing applications and services.\n Contribute to team and organizational improvements in process and infrastructure.\n Follow industry best practices.\n\nRequirements:\n\n Proven work in building web applications with Angular (required to send portfolio).\n Minimal 1-year experience on Angular development.\n Experience with Angular modules.\n Hands on experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.\n Applicable knowledge of popular modules and frameworks such as Express.JS.\n Experience in third-party APIs integration.\n Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git.\n Ability to review code and provide structured feedback.\n Passion for exploring new development platforms, languages, and methodologies.\n Strong analytical skills, problem-solving aptitude, and attention to details.\n Skilled in programming, basic analysis and execute functional testing.\n Know basic UI/UX Design, and can implemented UI/UX to program.",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Job Responsibilities:\n\n Code using `Angular` or `React`.\n Design, build, and maintain clean, efficient, reusable, and reliable code.\n Perform testing and create technical documentation.\n Maintain and adjust existing application codebase include troubleshooting bugs to ensure. strong optimization and functionality.\n Identify company’s user and system requirements for new website, and estimate the time spent on each task.\n Effectively use tools and ingenuity to identify and fix defects before they become a problem.\n Work as part of a team developing applications and services.\n Contribute to team and organizational improvements in process and infrastructure.\n Follow industry best practices.\n\nRequirements:\n\n Proven work in building web applications with Angular (required to send portfolio).\n Minimal 1-year experience on Angular development.\n Experience with Angular modules.\n Hands on experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.\n Applicable knowledge of popular modules and frameworks such as Express.JS.\n Experience in third-party APIs integration.\n Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git.\n Ability to review code and provide structured feedback.\n Passion for exploring new development platforms, languages, and methodologies.\n Strong analytical skills, problem-solving aptitude, and attention to details.\n Skilled in programming, basic analysis and execute functional testing.\n Know basic UI/UX Design, and can implemented UI/UX to program.",
"areaLocation": "Benda, Kota Tangerang, Banten.(Cengkareng Business City Lot 12 Lantai 1 Unit 18-19, Jl. Atang Sanjaya No.21, Kota Tangerang, Banten)",
"areaLocationNew": "Benda, Tangerang, Banten",
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"threeCategoryName": "Lowongan Terkait IT Software Lainnya",
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"jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTU5MjQxMjM5MzM2MjgzNzU1Nw==",
"jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTU5MjQxMjM5MzM2MjgzNzU1Nw==",
"manSalaryRangeFmt": null,
"assetInfoResList": null