Situs Pengusaha

Marketing Staff

PT Entropi Global Martech
Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 07/05/2024 oleh ENTROPI MARTECH
Pengalaman kerja
1-5 tahun
Minimal S1
20-35 tahun
Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Disiplin & Bertanggung Jawab,Berorientasi Pada Tujuan,Rencana Pemasaran,Kemampuan Negosiasi
Key Responsibilities:
1. Campaign Planning and Execution:
- Work closely with the marketing team to develop online&offline marketing campaigns aligned with overall business objectives.
- Plan, coordinate, and execute promotional events, product launches, and seasonal campaigns to attract customers to our offline stores.
- Collaborate with vendors and suppliers to ensure timely delivery of marketing materials and resources for campaigns.
2. In-store Promotions and Events:
- Create engaging in-store experiences through promotions, demonstrations, and events to drive foot traffic and increase sales.
- Coordinate with store managers to implement store-specific promotions and initiatives tailored to local customer preferences and trends.
3. Visual Merchandising:
- Assist in designing and implementing visual merchandising strategies to optimize store layout and enhance the customer shopping experience.
- Ensure that promotional materials and displays are visually appealing and consistent with brand guidelines.
4. Market Research and Analysis:
- Conduct market research to identify trends, competitor strategies, and opportunities for growth in the offline retail sector.
- Analyze sales data, customer feedback, and campaign performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and identify areas for improvement.
- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field.
- Proven experience in marketing, preferably in a retail or offline environment.
- Strong communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.
- Creative thinker with the ability to develop innovative marketing ideas and strategies.
- Proficiency in Office and marketing software/tools.
- Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and collaborate with cross-functional teams.
Lokasi Kantor
Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten
Abouts Us
PT Entropi Global Martech
Teknologi,Kurang dari 10 karyawan
ENTROPI, a top-tier MCN in Indonesia, specializes in elevating KOLs through TikTok, focusing on Live Commerce and short video content. Our agency has achieved over 20 million video views and leads in the beauty category. ENTROPI partners with over 3000+ influencers, providing end-to-end solutions for global brands on TikTok. With our comprehensive support system, we empower brands to effectively engage with audiences across digital platforms.
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{ "id": "1787691120764186695", "userJobId": "0096289", "jobTitle": "Marketing Staff", "jobClassification": "203001", "jobClassificationName": "Marketing/Pengembangan Bisnis", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": "", "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.61373000057", "latitude": "-6.2392715835324", "confidential": 1, "commission": 0, "smartInvitation": 1, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": 4000000, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "4.000.000", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "", "jobDescription": "Key Responsibilities:\n1. Campaign Planning and Execution:\n- Work closely with the marketing team to develop online&offline marketing campaigns aligned with overall business objectives.\n- Plan, coordinate, and execute promotional events, product launches, and seasonal campaigns to attract customers to our offline stores.\n- Collaborate with vendors and suppliers to ensure timely delivery of marketing materials and resources for campaigns.\n2. In-store Promotions and Events:\n- Create engaging in-store experiences through promotions, demonstrations, and events to drive foot traffic and increase sales.\n- Coordinate with store managers to implement store-specific promotions and initiatives tailored to local customer preferences and trends.\n3. Visual Merchandising:\n- Assist in designing and implementing visual merchandising strategies to optimize store layout and enhance the customer shopping experience.\n- Ensure that promotional materials and displays are visually appealing and consistent with brand guidelines.\n4. Market Research and Analysis:\n- Conduct market research to identify trends, competitor strategies, and opportunities for growth in the offline retail sector.\n- Analyze sales data, customer feedback, and campaign performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and identify areas for improvement.\n\nQualifications:\n- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field.\n- Proven experience in marketing, preferably in a retail or offline environment.\n- Strong communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.\n- Creative thinker with the ability to develop innovative marketing ideas and strategies.\n- Proficiency in Office and marketing software/tools.\n- Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and collaborate with cross-functional teams.", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 7, "educationalBackgroundName": "S1", "location": "GV-02 SQP, Scientia Square Park, Jl. Scientia Boulevard, Curug Sangereng, Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810\n", "status": 1, "hidden": 0, "ageReq": -1, "companyId": "1397922133879091207", "company": { "id": "1397922133879091207", "name": "PT Entropi Global Martech", "shortName": "", "logoUrl": "", "banner1Url": "", "banner2Url": "", "scaleCode": "1", "scaleName": "Kurang dari 10 karyawan", "location": "GV-02 SQP, Scientia Square Park, Jl. Scientia Boulevard, Curug Sangereng, Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810\n", "introduction": "ENTROPI, a top-tier MCN in Indonesia, specializes in elevating KOLs through TikTok, focusing on Live Commerce and short video content. Our agency has achieved over 20 million video views and leads in the beauty category. ENTROPI partners with over 3000+ influencers, providing end-to-end solutions for global brands on TikTok. With our comprehensive support system, we empower brands to effectively engage with audiences across digital platforms.", "areaName": "Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten", "nibNumber": "", "compnyTelphone": "82110987767", "companyEmail": "", "companyIndustryCategory": "4", "companyIndustryCategoryName": "Teknologi", "nibCode": null, "nibCodeName": null, "introductionImg": "", "locationName": null, "longitude": "106.61373000057", "latitude": "-6.2392715835324", "areaId": 0, "postal": "15811", "provinceId": 36, "countyId": 3603051, "areaSelectType": 3, "cityId": 3671, "provinceName": "Banten", "cityName": "Tangerang", "countyName": "Kelapa Dua", "kbliKode": "", "kbliName": "", "site": "", "createUserId": 1732323673083142100, "updateUserId": 1732323673083142100, "status": 5, "workTimeCode": "" }, "viewCount": 0, "postCount": 0, "cityId": "3671", "createTime": "2024-05-07 10:49:11", "userId": "1732323673074753555", "createUserId": "1732323673083142163", "createUserName": "ENTROPI MARTECH", "createUserPhoneNum": "82110987767", "createUserHeadPortrait": "", "duty": "Manager", "updateTime": "2024-05-07 10:49:11", "updateUserId": "1732323673083142163", "postal": "15811", "areaName": "Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten", "intention": 0, "salary": 4000000, "jobVacancy": 1, "provinceId": "36", "countyId": "3603051", "provinceName": "Banten", "cityName": "Tangerang", "countyName": "Kelapa Dua", "workFromHome": 0, "jobRequiredTypeList": [], "employerType": 1, "salaryUnit": 4, "salaryUnitName": "bulan", "createTimeFormat": "7 Mei 2024", "updateTimeFormat": "07/05/2024", "createTimeFormat1": "7 Mei 2024, 10:49 WIB", "updateTimeFormat1": "7 Mei 2024, 10:49 WIB", "genderReq": 0, "ageMinReq": 20, "ageMaxReq": 35, "genderReqName": "Semua jenis kelamin", "areaSelectType": 3, "salaryFormat": "4.000.000", "distance": null, "listRequiredValue": null, "userRoleStatus": 1, "blackStatus": 0, "vacanced": null, "offeredNum": null, "workDateStart": null, "workDateStartFormat": null, "workTimeFormat": null, "workDateEnd": null, "workDateEndFormat": null, "workTimeStart": null, "workTimeEnd": null, "workDayOff": "", "workTotalDay": null, "workTotalSalary": null, "applyDeadLine": null, "applyDeadLineFmt": null, "offerOrApplyInfoRes": { "id": null, "status": -1, "optime": null, "optimeFormat": null, "reason": null, "jobTitle": "Marketing Staff", "jobType": 1, "currentStatus": -1 }, "vacancies": 1, "virtualOfferedNum": null, "virtualVacancy": 1, "virtualVacancies": null, "applied": null, "offered": null, "declined": null, "rejected": null, "totalRecordNum": 0, "averageScore": 0, "badgeId": null, "questionsId": null, "questionSelectType": null, "badgeName": null, "badgeLogo": null, "questionsName": null, "questionsNameList": null, "heightMinReq": 0, "heightMaxReq": 0, "weightMinReq": 0, "weightMaxReq": 0, "kupuJob": 0, "badgeLevelName": null, "badgeLevelCode": null, "addressReq": null, "addressReqName": null, "experienceMinReq": 1, "experienceMaxReq": 5, "verifyReq": null, "videoIntroductionReq": null, "jobRequirements": [ "S1", "Semua jenis kelamin", "20-35 tahun", "1-5 tahun", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "jpInvitationCode": null, "skillReq": null, "skillReqName": null, "jobApproveLogResList": null, "editFields": null, "reason": null, "delTime": null, "updateUserName": null, "shortlistNum": null, "transferLogList": null, "optTime": null, "salaryRangeFmt": "Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan", "salaryRangeShortFmt": "4 jt - 4 jt", "statusOptRole": 1, "optRole": null, "approveTime": "2024-05-08 14:38:05", "picId": 1719552829622399000, "picName": null, "userStatus": 1, "videoInterviewReq": 1, "contactNumber": "82110987767", "jobVideoList": [], "skillTagReq": "5,11,16,17,18", "jobRequirementList": [ "S1", "Semua jenis kelamin", "20-35 tahun", "1-5 tahun", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "resumeGuideFlag": null, "mapProvinceName": "Banten", "mapCityName": "Tangerang", "mapCountyName": "Kelapa Dua", "jobDescriptionSuffix": "Qualifications:\n- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field.\n- Proven experience in marketing, preferably in a retail or offline environment.\n- Strong communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.\n- Creative thinker with the ability to develop innovative marketing ideas and strategies.\n- Proficiency in Office and marketing software/tools.\n- Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and collaborate with cross-functional teams.", "jobDescriptionPrefix": "Key Responsibilities:\n1. Campaign Planning and Execution:\n- Work closely with the marketing team to develop online&offline marketing campaigns aligned with overall business objectives.\n- Plan, coordinate, and execute promotional events, product launches, and seasonal campaigns to attract customers to our offline stores.\n- Collaborate with vendors and suppliers to ensure timely delivery of marketing materials and resources for campaigns.\n2. In-store Promotions and Events:\n- Create engaging in-store experiences through promotions, demonstrations, and events to drive foot traffic and increase sales.\n- Coordinate with store managers to implement store-specific promotions and initiatives tailored to local customer preferences and trends.\n3. Visual Merchandising:\n- Assist in designing and implementing visual merchandising strategies to optimize store layout and enhance the customer shopping experience.\n- Ensure that promotional materials and displays are visually appealing and consistent with brand guidelines.\n4. Market Research and Analysis:\n- Conduct market research to identify trends, competitor strategies, and opportunities for growth in the offline retail sector.\n- Analyze sales data, customer feedback, and campaign performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and identify areas for improvement.", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Key Responsibilities:\n1. 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Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810\n)", "areaLocationNew": "Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten", "chatStatus": 0, "chatUpdateFmt": null, "chatTime": null, "distanceRange": null, "skillTags": null, "jobRequirementsV2": [ "S1", "1-5 tahun", "Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik", "Disiplin & Bertanggung Jawab", "Berorientasi Pada Tujuan", "Rencana Pemasaran", "Kemampuan Negosiasi", "Semua jenis kelamin", "20-35 tahun", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "privilegeJobType": 0, "urgentCouponFlag": 0, "urgentTip": null, "urgentButton": null, "urgentCouponValid": 0, "urgentJobLogo": "", "threeCategory": "203001001", "purchased": 0, "threeCategoryName": "Spesialis/Staf Marketing", "jobRequirementsV3": [ { "key": "work_experience", "name": "Pengalaman kerja", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "1-5 tahun", "type": 1 }, { "key": "education", "name": "Pendidikan", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "Minimal S1", "type": 1 }, { "key": "age", "name": "Umur", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "20-35 tahun", "type": 1 }, { "key": "skills", "name": "Keahlian", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Disiplin & Bertanggung Jawab,Berorientasi Pada Tujuan,Rencana Pemasaran,Kemampuan Negosiasi", "type": 2 } ], "jobRequirementsV4": null, "jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "", "jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "", "manSalaryRangeFmt": null, "assetInfoResList": null }