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"jobDescription": "Tanggung Jawab Utama\n\n1. Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan merek.\n2. Mengelola tim pemasaran dan memantau kinerja.\n3. Menganalisis pasar, pesaing, dan kebutuhan pelanggan.\n4. Mengembangkan dan mengelola anggaran pemasaran.\n5. Meningkatkan kesadaran merek dan reputasi perusahaan.\n\nTanggung Jawab Operasional\n\n1. Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kampanye pemasaran (online/offline).\n2. Pengembangan materi pemasaran (brochure, iklan, konten).\n3. Manajemen media sosial dan digital marketing.\n4. Pengelolaan hubungan dengan pelanggan dan mitra bisnis.\n5. Pengumpulan dan analisis data pemasaran.\n6. Pengembangan dan pelaksanaan program loyalitas pelanggan.\n7. Kerjasama dengan departemen lain (penjualan, produk).\n",
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"name": "PT. Pradha Karya Perkasa",
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"location": "Jl. Mayjen H. Soemadi No.83-85, Juminong, Pesanggrahan, Kec. Kutorejo, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61383",
"introduction": "PT. PRADHA KARYA PERKASA is an Indonesian plastic recycler and pellet producer located near Mount Penanggungan in the bustling suburb of Mojokerto in East Java, only an hour's drive away from Surabaya. In a maritime country with a huge number of islands and rivers, PT Pradha karya Perkasa is one of the largest companies that help reduce plastic waste. We are dedicated in our mission for a greener earth, thus over 90% of our sources come from post-consumer material that would otherwise pollute our environment. We also strive to minimize our environmental impact by utilizing eco-friendly processes and thoroughly treating our wastewater.\n\nWe have been in the recycling business since 1987 and are recognized worldwide for our exceptional quality, friendly service, competitive pricing, and timely deliveries, regardless of order size. We dedicate recycling activities in 42,000 m² of land spread over three separate locations, with one specifically for the washing process and two others for the pelletizing process. An advanced on–site lab analyzes raw material and product samples in order to ensure the consistency of product characteristics and quality. Our pelletization capacity has expanded to over 2,500 metric tons per month and our woven bag capacity has expanded to over 500 metric tons per month in order to accommodate an increasing base of clientele.\n\nWe sell a high volume of our products to satisfied customers in the Indonesian and international markets, with a focus in East and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe to date. We utilize the latest eco-conscious technologies and processes to manufacture uniquely cost-effective and high-quality products. Our production capacity and client base continues to rapidly expand every year as people recognize the difference that sets us apart.",
"areaName": "Mojosari, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur",
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