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"jobDescription": "About The Company :\n\n• The working venue is in South Jakarta\n• Our client is a Chinese Automotive Industry (Wuling), Currently, they are looking for Mandarin Translator.\n \n\nQualification :\n\n• Male/Female\n• Having at least 2 Year(s) of working experience as an Mandarin Translator\n• Required Language : English, Mandarin is a must \n• Proficient in writing and reading Mandarin (able to make good presentations)\n• Responsible for translation in bilingual (Chinese to Indonesian)\n• Responsible for optimizing the quality of the translation.\n• Energic to work in team and be capable of completing translation task (daily)\n• Good to collaborate with others on group project\n• Have a deep knowledge about Indonesia culture\n• Placement in South Jakarta",
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"location": "15, Jl. Gn. Sahari 1 No.46, RT.18/RW.4, Gn. Sahari Sel., Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat",
"introduction": "PT Dutagaruda Piranti Prima (DPP) is a service company that specializes in Labor Providers Management with various abilities and skills as well as experience in field of Education & Training Centers, Recruitment Services, Computer Rentals and Virtual Offices that have been professionally established since 1995.\n\nDPP is supported by a trained, dedicated, friendly, integrated, responsive and professional, coupled with instructors and facilitators as well as a work system that has been prepared based on the conditions that exist in the service user environment.\n\nDPP is very ready to meet the needs for the needs of various business fields in our way and services for Government Institutions, Private, BUMN/BUMD, and Private Companies, anytime, anywhere and within any conditions, we are ready to provide the best service to service users.\n",
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"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "About The Company :\n\n• The working venue is in South Jakarta\n• Our client is a Chinese Automotive Industry (Wuling), Currently, they are looking for Mandarin Translator.\n \n\nQualification :\n\n• Male/Female\n• Having at least 2 Year(s) of working experience as an Mandarin Translator\n• Required Language : English, Mandarin is a must \n• Proficient in writing and reading Mandarin (able to make good presentations)\n• Responsible for translation in bilingual (Chinese to Indonesian)\n• Responsible for optimizing the quality of the translation.\n• Energic to work in team and be capable of completing translation task (daily)\n• Good to collaborate with others on group project\n• Have a deep knowledge about Indonesia culture\n• Placement in South Jakarta",
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