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"jobDescription": "1. Multi tasking job in function such as accounting /finance, marketing, digital marketing, general affair, administrative HR, simple legal, social media handling, KOL specialist etc\n2. Learn mastery and understand all company process.\n3. Develop managerial and technical competency.\n4. Support superior in various task like prepare report, presentation, analized data, administrative, survey that needed by company.\n5.Participate in brainstorming for company strategic planning.\n\nQualification :\n1. Local or international graduates form reputable university, majoring in Accounting / akuntansi, finance, marketing / pemasaran digital marketing, public relations, design communication visual (DKV), communications / ilmu komunikasi studies. – Other than these studies please don’t apply, except you have experience in handling E-commerce ( Tokopedia/ Shopee/ TikTokshop)- as seller.\n2. Interest in beauty industry.\n3.Strong written and spoken in English, proficiency in Mandarin will be added as advantage.\n4.Honest, hardworking, initiative, discipline , positive attitude, fast learner, adapt easily.\n5.Able to work under pressure and willing to overtime if needed.\n6. Strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.\n7. Strong communication (both written and verbal) and interpersonal skills to drive effective collaborations and healthy relationship with various stakeholders.\n8.Sharp attention to detail to increase productivity and reduce the likelihood of errors.\n9. Excellent planning and organizational abilities to ensure the company is on track to achieve its goals.\n10. Willing to work from office in Alam Sutera- Tangerang.",
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