Situs Pengusaha

Legal Manager Mandarin Speaker

Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Jakarta Barat
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 17/01/2025 oleh IMAR MAX INDONESIA
Pengalaman kerja
3-10 tahun
Minimal S1
Jenis Kelamin
28-45 tahun
Detail & Bertanggung Jawab,Kemampuan Negosiasi,Setia & Jujur,Disiplin Ketat,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik
Legal Manager for the Cosmetics Industry is responsible for overseeing all legal aspects of a cosmetics company, including product compliance, regulatory adherence, contract negotiations, intellectual property protection, and litigation management, ensuring the company operates within legal boundaries while navigating the complex regulatory landscape of the cosmetics market.
Jobs & Responsibility:
• Monitoring and interpreting changes in local and international cosmetics regulations.
• Advising on product labeling, ingredient safety, and claims substantiation to ensure compliance.
• Managing product registration and notification processes with relevant authorities.
• Negotiating and drafting contracts with suppliers, distributors, retailers, and marketing agencies.
• Reviewing and approving contracts to mitigate legal risks.
• Managing contract disputes and resolving issues through negotiation or litigation.
• Protecting the company's intellectual property, including trademarks, trade secrets, and patents related to cosmetic products and branding.
• Advising on intellectual property strategy and enforcement actions against infringement.
• Managing legal disputes, including product liability claims and consumer complaints.
• Collaborating with external legal counsel on litigation strategy.
• Providing legal advice to cross-functional teams including marketing, sales, product development, and operations.
• Collaborating with other departments to ensure legal considerations are integrated into business decisions.
• Extensive experience in regulatory compliance within the cosmetics industry
• Deep understanding of intellectual property law and principles
• Proven experience in contract drafting and negotiation
• Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with various stakeholders
• Ability to stay updated on evolving legal and regulatory landscape
Lokasi Kantor
Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta
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{ "id": "1880211402128764965", "userJobId": "0110509", "jobTitle": "Legal Manager Mandarin Speaker", "jobClassification": "205005", "jobClassificationName": "Pengacara/Asisten Legal", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": "", "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.78656050253", "latitude": "-6.1639652550589", "confidential": 1, "commission": 0, "smartInvitation": 1, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": 9500000, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "9.500.000", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "", "jobDescription": "Legal Manager for the Cosmetics Industry is responsible for overseeing all legal aspects of a cosmetics company, including product compliance, regulatory adherence, contract negotiations, intellectual property protection, and litigation management, ensuring the company operates within legal boundaries while navigating the complex regulatory landscape of the cosmetics market.\n\nJobs & Responsibility:\n• Monitoring and interpreting changes in local and international cosmetics regulations. \n• Advising on product labeling, ingredient safety, and claims substantiation to ensure compliance. \n• Managing product registration and notification processes with relevant authorities. \n• Negotiating and drafting contracts with suppliers, distributors, retailers, and marketing agencies. \n• Reviewing and approving contracts to mitigate legal risks. \n• Managing contract disputes and resolving issues through negotiation or litigation. \n• Protecting the company's intellectual property, including trademarks, trade secrets, and patents related to cosmetic products and branding. \n• Advising on intellectual property strategy and enforcement actions against infringement. \n• Managing legal disputes, including product liability claims and consumer complaints. \n• Collaborating with external legal counsel on litigation strategy. \n• Providing legal advice to cross-functional teams including marketing, sales, product development, and operations.\n• Collaborating with other departments to ensure legal considerations are integrated into business decisions. \n\nQualifications:\n• Extensive experience in regulatory compliance within the cosmetics industry\n• Deep understanding of intellectual property law and principles\n• Proven experience in contract drafting and negotiation\n• Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills\n• Strong communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with various stakeholders\n• Ability to stay updated on evolving legal and regulatory landscape ", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 7, "educationalBackgroundName": "S1", "location": "Jl. 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