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"jobDescription": "Description Job:\nProvide legal opinion to the Company's Management in the context of strategic planning and decision making.\nProvide legal opinions, conduct reviews, and prepare draft legal documents related to each company's business activities and new company products/services, including providing legal risk mitigation.\nPrepare and manage legal documentation related to corporate actions including reporting to the competent authorities.\nManage the corporate legal division by following directions from the Head of Legal & Compliance including ensuring job distribution, turnaround time, and quality of legal work.\nManage administrative affairs and act as Corporate affairs admin for the Company\nHandle cases related to the company inside and outside the court, including providing strategic advice and monitoring cases.\nIncrease legal awareness of company employees related to regulations and legal risks.\nEnsuring the company's compliance with the regulations made by the\nOJK\nand the rules used in multi-finance industries\nDealing with internal and external litigation status\nHandle and prevent internal and external fraud indications\nLitigation\nproceeding to the police and trial in the field\nRequirements :\nMaster's Degree in Law\nExperience in \nmultifinance/ banking / Insurance / Financial Service companies\nMinimum 5 years experience, in legal & compliance roles\nExcellent in English communication (oral & written)\nProven experience in leadership and management skills\nHave a \nPERDADI\n advocacy certificate\nExperience in another professional firm in the same business with strong knowledge of regulations relating to the business\nStrong analytical and interpretation skills, the ability to think strategically and handle complex concepts (problem-solving drive)\nProactive and commercial approach to resolving complex and difficult Risk/legal challenges while ensuring compliance with the internal/external regulations.\nPlacement Head Office Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.\nSupporting the retail division in the handling of fraud",
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"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Description Job:\nProvide legal opinion to the Company's Management in the context of strategic planning and decision making.\nProvide legal opinions, conduct reviews, and prepare draft legal documents related to each company's business activities and new company products/services, including providing legal risk mitigation.\nPrepare and manage legal documentation related to corporate actions including reporting to the competent authorities.\nManage the corporate legal division by following directions from the Head of Legal & Compliance including ensuring job distribution, turnaround time, and quality of legal work.\nManage administrative affairs and act as Corporate affairs admin for the Company\nHandle cases related to the company inside and outside the court, including providing strategic advice and monitoring cases.\nIncrease legal awareness of company employees related to regulations and legal risks.\nEnsuring the company's compliance with the regulations made by the\nOJK\nand the rules used in multi-finance industries\nDealing with internal and external litigation status\nHandle and prevent internal and external fraud indications\nLitigation\nproceeding to the police and trial in the field\nRequirements :\nMaster's Degree in Law\nExperience in \nmultifinance/ banking / Insurance / Financial Service companies\nMinimum 5 years experience, in legal & compliance roles\nExcellent in English communication (oral & written)\nProven experience in leadership and management skills\nHave a \nPERDADI\n advocacy certificate\nExperience in another professional firm in the same business with strong knowledge of regulations relating to the business\nStrong analytical and interpretation skills, the ability to think strategically and handle complex concepts (problem-solving drive)\nProactive and commercial approach to resolving complex and difficult Risk/legal challenges while ensuring compliance with the internal/external regulations.\nPlacement Head Office Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.\nSupporting the retail division in the handling of fraud",
"areaLocation": "Gama, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.c 22, Rt.2/rw.5, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12940.(Gama, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.C 22, RT.2/RW.5, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12940)",
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