Situs Pengusaha


PT Ifun Digital Global - Indofun
Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan   + Ekstra Komisi
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
3 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 16/07/2024 oleh Nikolaus Edi
Pengalaman kerja
0-10 tahun
Minimal Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)
18-28 tahun
Kerja Tim,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Layanan Pelanggan,Disiplin & Bertanggung Jawab,Berorientasi Pada Tujuan
Job desc:
1. Manage KOL Database.
2. Manage collaboration with creators who want to join the agency.
3. Responsible for the recruitment, support, and management of the agency, as well as the layout operations management planning of the agency in the Indonesian market and the industry.
1. Bachelors from various majors.
2. Having a huge KOL Agent TikTok database is a plus.
3. Knowing rebate in TikTok Agency.
3. Outstanding skills in communication, responsibility, negotiation, and problem-solving.
4. Can understand English fluently.
5. Target-oriented.
6. Willing to work in Wisma Abadi, Central Jakarta.
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
Lokasi Kantor
Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT Ifun Digital Global - Indofun
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
Established on 2020 is a leading mobile game publisher focus in Indonesia market, We provide high quality and cost effective mobile game publishing services.
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Bachelors from various majors.\n2. Having a huge KOL Agent TikTok database is a plus.\n3. Knowing rebate in TikTok Agency.\n3. Outstanding skills in communication, responsibility, negotiation, and problem-solving.\n4. Can understand English fluently.\n5. Target-oriented.\n6. Willing to work in Wisma Abadi, Central Jakarta.", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 5, "educationalBackgroundName": "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)", "location": "PT. IFUN DIGITAL GLOBAL atau PT. INDOFUN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY.\n\nWisma Abadi, ruang B1. Seberang RS. Tarakan.", "status": 0, "hidden": 0, "ageReq": -1, "companyId": "1397922133879089047", "company": { "id": "1397922133879089047", "name": "PT Ifun Digital Global - Indofun", "shortName": "", "logoUrl": "", "banner1Url": "", "banner2Url": "", "scaleCode": "3", "scaleName": "30-300 karyawan", "location": "PT. IFUN DIGITAL GLOBAL atau PT. INDOFUN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY.\n\nWisma Abadi, ruang B1. Seberang RS. 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