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"jobDescriptionSuffix": "Minimum 3-4 years of active software development experience.\nBachelor's degree in Computer Science or any other related fields.\nSolid experience and excellent coding skills with Java (WEB MVC, API Service JSON, XML, Restful).\nSound knowledge of frameworks like Jpos, Spring, Hibernate and related with java.\nExperience in different databases, including Relational (PostgreSQL, SQL SERVER, MySQL, Oracle) or NoSQL (Elasticsearch, Redis).\nExperience with Security Pattern and Technologies.\nDockerize experience.\nExperienced in debugging complex issues at every level of the stack.\nExperienced in building clean, maintainable, and well-tested code.\nAbility to work independently, self-motivated, and good project management, interpersonal & communication skills.@Dama BBW tolong di update",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "Job Function:\nAs a Java Developer, you will be responsible for developing, testing, and maintaining Java-based applications for scalable and optimized web-based systems. You will be involved in the entire software development lifecycle, from designing and planning to architectural design and analysis. You will also be responsible for researching and solving software engineering problems using innovative technologies.\n\nResponsibilities:\nWrite good, clean, readable, and reusable Java code for scalable and optimized web-based applications.\nImplement, customize, test, document, and maintain software applications.\nDesign, plan, and analyze software architecture.\nResearch and solve software engineering problems using innovative technologies.\nMaintain and optimize existing systems to better quality standards and scalability.\nFocus on code quality and deliver projects with high business impact.\nDeliver projects on-time and to specification with an appropriate level of quality.\nCollaborate with vendors and end-users to gather and define requirements.\n\n",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Job Function:\nAs a Java Developer, you will be responsible for developing, testing, and maintaining Java-based applications for scalable and optimized web-based systems. You will be involved in the entire software development lifecycle, from designing and planning to architectural design and analysis. You will also be responsible for researching and solving software engineering problems using innovative technologies.\n\nResponsibilities:\nWrite good, clean, readable, and reusable Java code for scalable and optimized web-based applications.\nImplement, customize, test, document, and maintain software applications.\nDesign, plan, and analyze software architecture.\nResearch and solve software engineering problems using innovative technologies.\nMaintain and optimize existing systems to better quality standards and scalability.\nFocus on code quality and deliver projects with high business impact.\nDeliver projects on-time and to specification with an appropriate level of quality.\nCollaborate with vendors and end-users to gather and define requirements.\n\n",
"areaLocation": "Ruko Cornerstone, Jl. Muara Karang Raya No.18 A, Rt.12/rw.17, Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 10270.(Ruko Cornerstone, Jl. Muara Karang Raya No.18 A, RT.12/RW.17, Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 10270)",
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"jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTY1ODYzOTMzMzA0ODU5NDQ3NQ==",
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