Situs Pengusaha

IT Back end Developer

PT General Expert
Rp6.000.000 - 8.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
4 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 21/03/2023 oleh Wulandari
Job description :
- Create, integrate, and manage databases
- Work with backend frameworks to build server-side software
- Web server technology
- Cloud computing integration
- Using a server-side programming language
- Work with any operating system
- Manage and develop a content management system (CMS)
- API integration
- Security settings and hacking prevention
- Report analysis and statistics
Requirements :
- Have Experience Min. 2 year
- Min D3/S1 Information Technology or the like
- Mastering advanced technology for making APIs using the PHP programming language
- Mastering the use of Node.Js
- Understand the concept of RESTful API
- Having knowledge and experience in using several RDBMS tools such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
- Mastering PL/SQL technology for scripting in databases
- Mastering the installation and configuration of web servers, such as Tomcat, Apache, Nginx, and others
- Mastering SOA platforms technology on the Red Hat middleware platform
- Have experience in using common protocol middleware (ISO8583), such as XML, HTML, JSP, and RESTful web services
- Experienced in system development based on microservices architecture and system interoperability
Work Placement: PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (Member of Pelindo II)
Lokasi Kantor
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT General Expert
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
PT General Expert is a company that was formed in 2009 and is currently still focused on supporting PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (member of IPC) to fulfill needs ranging from Employee, Hardware and IT Project. We try our best to always be able to support the needs of each of our clients by always prioritizing good service and candidates who suit our clients' needs. Most of us focus on IT candidates who will join for projects handled by PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia
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{ "id": "1638058757061107774", "userJobId": "0038468", "jobTitle": "IT Back end Developer", "jobClassification": "208001", "jobClassificationName": "IT Software", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": null, "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.8302336", "latitude": "-6.1865984", "confidential": 0, "commission": null, "smartInvitation": 0, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": 8000000, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "8.000.000", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "Rp", "jobDescription": "Job description :\n- Create, integrate, and manage databases\n- Work with backend frameworks to build server-side software\n- Web server technology\n- Cloud computing integration\n- Using a server-side programming language\n- Work with any operating system\n- Manage and develop a content management system (CMS)\n- API integration\n- Security settings and hacking prevention\n- Report analysis and statistics\nRequirements :\n- Have Experience Min. 2 year\n- Min D3/S1 Information Technology or the like\n- Mastering advanced technology for making APIs using the PHP programming language\n- Mastering the use of Node.Js\n- Understand the concept of RESTful API\n- Having knowledge and experience in using several RDBMS tools such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.\n- Mastering PL/SQL technology for scripting in databases\n- Mastering the installation and configuration of web servers, such as Tomcat, Apache, Nginx, and others\n- Mastering SOA platforms technology on the Red Hat middleware platform\n- Have experience in using common protocol middleware (ISO8583), such as XML, HTML, JSP, and RESTful web services\n- Experienced in system development based on microservices architecture and system interoperability\nWork Placement: PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (Member of Pelindo II)", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": null, "educationalBackgroundName": null, "location": "Komplek ruko mitra sunter blok e 1 / 8, Jl. 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Menteng", "jobDescriptionSuffix": null, "jobDescriptionPrefix": "Job description :\n- Create, integrate, and manage databases\n- Work with backend frameworks to build server-side software\n- Web server technology\n- Cloud computing integration\n- Using a server-side programming language\n- Work with any operating system\n- Manage and develop a content management system (CMS)\n- API integration\n- Security settings and hacking prevention\n- Report analysis and statistics\nRequirements :\n- Have Experience Min. 2 year\n- Min D3/S1 Information Technology or the like\n- Mastering advanced technology for making APIs using the PHP programming language\n- Mastering the use of Node.Js\n- Understand the concept of RESTful API\n- Having knowledge and experience in using several RDBMS tools such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.\n- Mastering PL/SQL technology for scripting in databases\n- Mastering the installation and configuration of web servers, such as Tomcat, Apache, Nginx, and others\n- Mastering SOA platforms technology on the Red Hat middleware platform\n- Have experience in using common protocol middleware (ISO8583), such as XML, HTML, JSP, and RESTful web services\n- Experienced in system development based on microservices architecture and system interoperability\nWork Placement: PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (Member of Pelindo II)", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "Job description :\n- Create, integrate, and manage databases\n- Work with backend frameworks to build server-side software\n- Web server technology\n- Cloud computing integration\n- Using a server-side programming language\n- Work with any operating system\n- Manage and develop a content management system (CMS)\n- API integration\n- Security settings and hacking prevention\n- Report analysis and statistics\nRequirements :\n- Have Experience Min. 2 year\n- Min D3/S1 Information Technology or the like\n- Mastering advanced technology for making APIs using the PHP programming language\n- Mastering the use of Node.Js\n- Understand the concept of RESTful API\n- Having knowledge and experience in using several RDBMS tools such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.\n- Mastering PL/SQL technology for scripting in databases\n- Mastering the installation and configuration of web servers, such as Tomcat, Apache, Nginx, and others\n- Mastering SOA platforms technology on the Red Hat middleware platform\n- Have experience in using common protocol middleware (ISO8583), such as XML, HTML, JSP, and RESTful web services\n- Experienced in system development based on microservices architecture and system interoperability\nWork Placement: PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (Member of Pelindo II)", "areaLocation": "Komplek Ruko Mitra Sunter Blok E 1 / 8, Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav 85 No.kav 89, Sunter Jaya, Tanjung Priuk, 14350.(Komplek ruko mitra sunter blok e 1 / 8, Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav 85 No.kav 89, Sunter Jaya, tanjung priuk, 14350)", "areaLocationNew": "Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta", "chatStatus": 1, "chatUpdateFmt": "Aktif 1 minggu yang lalu", "chatTime": 1681189760000, "distanceRange": null, "skillTags": null, "jobRequirementsV2": [], "privilegeJobType": 0, "urgentCouponFlag": 0, "urgentTip": null, "urgentButton": null, "urgentCouponValid": 0, "urgentJobLogo": "", "threeCategory": "208001005", "purchased": 0, "threeCategoryName": "Backend Developer", "jobRequirementsV3": [], "jobRequirementsV4": null, "jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "", "jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "", "manSalaryRangeFmt": null, "assetInfoResList": null }