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"jobDescription": "1. Host live streaming interacting with audience (selling product, educate, collab with other brand, etc)\n2. Managing Live video on social media to engage the community\n3. Introducing company products and services through social media\n4. Managing forums and social media accounts of the company\n5. Manage and maintain social media profiles, ensuring consistent and timely posting of content\n6. Monitor social media trends, conversations, and audience engagement, responding to comments and messages appropriately\n7. Proactively engage with our online community, building relationships and fostering a sense of community around our brand\n\nKualifikasi :\n1. Female maximum 25 years old with Good looking and Charming personality\n2. Bachelor's degree majoring in Marketing, Social Media, Communication, et\n3. Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Public Relations/Communications or equivalent\n4. At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position\n5. Strong communication and interpersonal skills\n6. Creative, energetic, and tech/ IT enthusiast/ gamers\n7. Proven ability to source and execute creative stories\n8. Must have Excellent English and Bahasa Indonesia\n9. Time management, self-motivated, team player, good attitude\n10. Friendly and cheerful\n11. Willing to be placed at West Jakarta or South Jakarta",
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"introduction": "PT PEMINDO MITRA SINERGI (before was CV PEMINDO MULTI SUKSES), or so known as PEMMZ, is the FIRST technology-based company in Indonesia that positions itself as a Gaming Laptop Specialist and High End Notebook PC.\n\nCurrently there are 3 business units under PEMINDO GROUP namely Pemmz com (E-retailer), Pemmztechie (Service Center), Pemmzchannel (Tech Media), and Pemindo Creative (Creative Agency).\n\n\n\nOur main focus is to serve game enthusiasts, graphic designers, content creators, architects, and gadget mania by providing the best product solutions and premium services for high-end computing needs in terms of product, service and information on a one-stop basis.\n\n'Every single smile from our customers is a measure of our success.'\n\n\nTeam tagline:\n\nMAKIN CERIA, MAKIN KEREN ( CERIA = CEPAT, RAMAH INOVATIF, AMANAH | KEREN = KOMUNIKATIF. EFEKTIF. RESPONSIF)",
"areaName": "Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta",
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