"id": "1788755835770712070",
"userJobId": "0096517",
"jobTitle": "Head of Indonesian subsidiary",
"jobClassification": "202005",
"jobClassificationName": "Manajemen Tingkat Atas",
"jobType": 1,
"jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu",
"employmentStatus": null,
"employmentStatusName": null,
"benefits": "Other Position Requirements\n1.Familiar with Indonesia's human environment and living habits, with machinery manufacturing, sales management and other related knowledge;\n2.master sales management, production management, quality management, project management knowledge and skills;\n3.English as a working language, can adapt to a certain degree of overtime and business trips;\n4.good professional ethics and professionalism, strong sense of responsibility, adaptability;\n5.strong logical thinking and analytical judgment ability, as well as good leadership and interpersonal skills;\n\nCompany Profile\n\nLEO PUMP, the core segment of Leo Corporation (stock code 002131), founded in 1995, is a trusted partner for intelligent fluids. Its business covers 150 countries and regions and serves 500 million users worldwide.",
"experinceReq": null,
"experinceReqName": null,
"longitude": "106.90812595188618",
"latitude": "-6.11585145860925",
"confidential": 1,
"commission": 0,
"smartInvitation": 0,
"salaryMin": null,
"salaryMax": 24000000,
"salaryMinStr": "",
"salaryMaxStr": "24.000.000",
"settlementMethod": null,
"settlementMethodName": "-",
"unit": 2,
"unitName": "",
"jobDescription": "1、业务运营管理: 负责管理和监督子公司的日常业务运营,确保公司运作高效并达到预期业绩。\n2、战略规划与执行: 制定和执行公司在印尼市场的发展战略,包括市场定位、扩展计划和业务增长目标。\n3、财务管理: 监督财务预算、报表和财务战略,确保资金使用合理,并与总部或其他部门对接实现财务目标。\n4、业务发展与拓展: 确定业务发展机会,寻找新的业务合作伙伴,拓展公司在当地市场的影响力。\n5、法律合规与风险管理: 确保公司运营符合当地法律法规,负责风险管理并采取必要措施降低风险。\n6、团队领导与管理: 领导和管理子公司团队,包括招聘、培训、绩效评估和激励,以确保团队高效运作。\n7、沟通协调: 与总部或母公司保持密切联系,报告子公司运营情况、市场变化和发展战略。\n8、客户关系与服务: 确保客户满意度,维护和发展客户关系,提供优质的产品或服务。\n9、品牌推广与营销: 管理并执行在印尼市场的品牌推广和营销策略,提高品牌知名度和市场份额。\n10、协调与合作: 与当地政府、行业组织、合作伙伴和供应商进行合作,建立良好的合作关系。\n\n1、至少有同等规模相关制造型企业3年及以上运营管理经验;\n2、熟悉印尼人文环境和生活习性,具有机械制造、销售管理等相关知识;\n3、掌握销售管理、生产管理、质量管理、项目管理知识和技能;\n4、英语作为工作语言,能适应一定程度加班和出差;\n5、较好的职业道德和职业素养,责任心强,适应能力强;\n6、具有较强的逻辑思维能力和分析判断能力,以及良好的领导能力和人际交往能力;",
"salaryName": null,
"educationalBackground": 5,
"educationalBackgroundName": "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)",
"location": "Gudang Balaraja, Kawasan Industri Benua Permai Lestari G14-G15 Jl.Raya Serang KM.25, Sentul Balaraja, Tangerang 15610",
"status": 1,
"hidden": 0,
"ageReq": -1,
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"scaleName": "Lebih dari 300 karyawan",
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"areaName": "Koja, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta",
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"compnyTelphone": "890240507801",
"companyEmail": "Zoey.wang@ttcadvisory.com",
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"companyIndustryCategoryName": "Lainnya",
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"createTime": "2024-05-10 09:19:59",
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"createUserName": "Zoey WANG",
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"createTimeFormat": "10 Mei 2024",
"updateTimeFormat": "10/05/2024",
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"jobTitle": "Head of Indonesian subsidiary",
"jobType": 1,
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"Semua jenis kelamin",
"Semua usia",
"3-10 tahun",
"Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi",
"Berat badan tidak dibatasi"
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"salaryRangeFmt": "Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan",
"salaryRangeShortFmt": "12 jt - 24 jt",
"statusOptRole": 1,
"optRole": null,
"approveTime": "2024-05-10 10:39:58",
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"videoInterviewReq": 1,
"contactNumber": "890240507801",
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"jobRequirementList": [
"Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)",
"Semua jenis kelamin",
"Semua usia",
"3-10 tahun",
"Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi",
"Berat badan tidak dibatasi"
"resumeGuideFlag": null,
"mapProvinceName": "Dki Jakarta",
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"mapCountyName": "Koja",
"jobDescriptionSuffix": "1.At least 3 years and above operation and management experience in relevant manufacturing enterprises of the same scale;\n",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "1、Business Operation Management: Responsible for managing and supervising the daily business operations of the subsidiary company to ensure that the company operates efficiently and achieves the expected performance.\n2、Strategic Planning and Execution: Formulate and execute the company's development strategy in the Indonesian market, including market positioning, expansion plans and business growth targets.\n3、Financial Management: Oversee financial budgets, statements and financial strategies to ensure the proper use of funds, and interface with headquarters or other departments to achieve financial goals.\n4、Business Development and Expansion: Identify business development opportunities, find new business partners, and expand the company's influence in the local market.\n5、Legal Compliance and Risk Management: Ensure that the company's operations comply with local laws and regulations, responsible for risk management and take the necessary measures to reduce risk.\n6、Team Leadership and Management: Lead and manage the subsidiary team, including recruitment, training, performance evaluation and incentives to ensure the efficient operation of the team.\n7、Communication and Coordination: Maintain close contact with headquarters or parent company to report on subsidiary operations, market changes and development strategies.\n8、Customer Relationship and Service: Ensure customer satisfaction, maintain and develop customer relationships, and provide quality products or services.\n9、Brand Promotion and Marketing: Manage and execute brand promotion and marketing strategies in Indonesia to increase brand awareness and market share.\n10、Coordination and Cooperation: Cooperate with local government, industry organizations, partners and suppliers to establish a good relationship.",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "1、Business Operation Management: Responsible for managing and supervising the daily business operations of the subsidiary company to ensure that the company operates efficiently and achieves the expected performance.\n2、Strategic Planning and Execution: Formulate and execute the company's development strategy in the Indonesian market, including market positioning, expansion plans and business growth targets.\n3、Financial Management: Oversee financial budgets, statements and financial strategies to ensure the proper use of funds, and interface with headquarters or other departments to achieve financial goals.\n4、Business Development and Expansion: Identify business development opportunities, find new business partners, and expand the company's influence in the local market.\n5、Legal Compliance and Risk Management: Ensure that the company's operations comply with local laws and regulations, responsible for risk management and take the necessary measures to reduce risk.\n6、Team Leadership and Management: Lead and manage the subsidiary team, including recruitment, training, performance evaluation and incentives to ensure the efficient operation of the team.\n7、Communication and Coordination: Maintain close contact with headquarters or parent company to report on subsidiary operations, market changes and development strategies.\n8、Customer Relationship and Service: Ensure customer satisfaction, maintain and develop customer relationships, and provide quality products or services.\n9、Brand Promotion and Marketing: Manage and execute brand promotion and marketing strategies in Indonesia to increase brand awareness and market share.\n10、Coordination and Cooperation: Cooperate with local government, industry organizations, partners and suppliers to establish a good relationship.",
"areaLocation": "Koja, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta.(Gudang Balaraja, Kawasan Industri Benua Permai Lestari G14-G15 Jl.Raya Serang KM.25, Sentul Balaraja, Tangerang 15610)",
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"jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTc4ODc1NTgzNTc3MDcxMjA3MA==",
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