Situs Pengusaha

Guru TK/ Kindergarten Teacher

Sinergia Worldwide Education
Rp4.800.000 - 8.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 13/06/2023 oleh Muhammad (Mamet)
Teaching International or National Curriculum Offline and able to do Home visit.
Maintain a teaching assignment for each module.
Instruct the assigned course(s) in accordance with the approved curriculum.
Make a report to evaluate student learning process
Adapting chemistries curriculum for individual, small group.
Support to test and exam for students.
Evaluating student progress, the academic and social growth of students
Employing a variety of methodologies in teaching.
Utilizing educational equipment such as material, book and other learnings aids.
Supporting practicals
Willingness to take part in subject related extracurricular activities
Meeting and discuss with school stake holder.
Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Psychology, Sociology or PGTK/PAUD,
Max. 39 years old
Have teaching experiences in Kindergarten level properly
Having knowledge & experienced with International Curriculum (Cambridge)
Fluent in oral and written English
Have knowledge about make a Lesson Plan and Technology Savvy
Patient, responsible, and Empathy.
Good communication and lesson delivery skills
Passionate about teaching and working with students
Excellent in integrity
Available on Weekday
Have commitment minimal 1 year
Lokasi Kantor
Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Sinergia Worldwide Education
Edukasi,30-300 karyawan
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Bachelor Degree majoring in Psychology, Sociology or PGTK/PAUD,\nMax. 39 years old\nHave teaching experiences in Kindergarten level properly\nHaving knowledge & experienced with International Curriculum (Cambridge)\nFluent in oral and written English\nHave knowledge about make a Lesson Plan and Technology Savvy\nPatient, responsible, and Empathy.\nGood communication and lesson delivery skills\nPassionate about teaching and working with students\nExcellent in integrity\nAvailable on Weekday\nHave commitment minimal 1 year", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": null, "educationalBackgroundName": null, "location": " STC Senayan\n2nd Floor No. 51/54\nJl. 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