"id": "1740223223464837184",
"userJobId": "0086885",
"jobTitle": "Graphic Designer (Printed Media)",
"jobClassification": "204002",
"jobClassificationName": "Seni/Desain Kreatif",
"jobType": 1,
"jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu",
"employmentStatus": null,
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"unit": 2,
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"jobDescription": "1. Developing Flyer and Catalog Book as the company's printed promotional material for marketing purposes as the main and routine tasks. \n2. Developing other design material for external and internal branding such as company profile, name card, product packaging, banners, warehouse sign, billboard, van branding, hampers, etc. \n3. Implementing feedback revision and creating final designs for printing. \n4. Overseeing the printing process to ensure color quality and consistency. \n5. Managing the timelines and workflow of print design projects. \n6. Supporting web and content designer for the website.\n7. Collaborating with other departments for any design material including image or photo retouching for product listing or other website enrichments.\n8. Keeping up to date with the latest design concept, trends, techniques, including latest printing standards. And periodically implement it as an improvement to each material.\n\nQualification :\n1. Minimum Diploma Degree in Graphic Design or Visual Communication\n2. Minimum of 2 years experience in Graphic Designer for Printed Media \n3. Proficiency in design software, specially for Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and other design support tools \n4. Have a strong knowledge and skills about layouting (specially product display layout including the product attributions), typography, color psychology, digital imaging, & illustration, more likely that matches with B2B business \n5. Have a good understanding about printing process (pre-printing, printing, finishing, image quality, printing material and so on)\n6. Demonstrate strong knowledge and extensive use of Microsoft Office,Google Suite and/or Mac OS to support design workflow\n7. Have a good understanding about web design is a plus\n8. Preferable : Good time-management skills, interpersonal and communication skills, High Creativity & attention to detail, fast learner and Team player\n9. Design work portfolio must be attached with the resume",
"salaryName": null,
"educationalBackground": 5,
"educationalBackgroundName": "Diploma (D1/D2/D3/D4)",
"location": "Wisma 46, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.Kav.1 6th Floor, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta, 10220",
"status": 1,
"hidden": 0,
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"scaleCode": "3",
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"location": "Wisma 46, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.Kav.1 6th Floor, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta, 10220\n",
"introduction": "We are a joint venture company of MonotaRO Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Corporation Group. We have started our e-commerce service in Indonesia since 2012 with the brand name of sukamart.com. Since October 2016 we have renewed our brand name into monotaro.id to provide the most convenient purchase platform for business users in Indonesia. Our major categories are Maintenance, Repair, and Operations, so called MRO products, Pantry, Stationery and other office needs.",
"areaName": "Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta",
"nibNumber": "",
"compnyTelphone": "89618300624",
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"createTime": "2023-12-28 11:08:42",
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"createTimeFormat": "28 Des 2023",
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"Semua jenis kelamin",
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"2-3 tahun",
"Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi",
"Berat badan tidak dibatasi"
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"2-3 tahun",
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"mapProvinceName": "Dki Jakarta",
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"jobDescriptionSuffix": "Qualification :\n1. Minimum Diploma Degree in Graphic Design or Visual Communication\n2. Minimum of 2 years experience in Graphic Designer for Printed Media \n3. Proficiency in design software, specially for Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and other design support tools \n4. Have a strong knowledge and skills about layouting (specially product display layout including the product attributions), typography, color psychology, digital imaging, & illustration, more likely that matches with B2B business \n5. Have a good understanding about printing process (pre-printing, printing, finishing, image quality, printing material and so on)\n6. Demonstrate strong knowledge and extensive use of Microsoft Office,Google Suite and/or Mac OS to support design workflow\n7. Have a good understanding about web design is a plus\n8. Preferable : Good time-management skills, interpersonal and communication skills, High Creativity & attention to detail, fast learner and Team player\n9. Design work portfolio must be attached with the resume",
"jobDescriptionPrefix": "1. Developing Flyer and Catalog Book as the company's printed promotional material for marketing purposes as the main and routine tasks. \n2. Developing other design material for external and internal branding such as company profile, name card, product packaging, banners, warehouse sign, billboard, van branding, hampers, etc. \n3. Implementing feedback revision and creating final designs for printing. \n4. Overseeing the printing process to ensure color quality and consistency. \n5. Managing the timelines and workflow of print design projects. \n6. Supporting web and content designer for the website.\n7. Collaborating with other departments for any design material including image or photo retouching for product listing or other website enrichments.\n8. Keeping up to date with the latest design concept, trends, techniques, including latest printing standards. And periodically implement it as an improvement to each material.",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "1. Developing Flyer and Catalog Book as the company's printed promotional material for marketing purposes as the main and routine tasks. \n2. Developing other design material for external and internal branding such as company profile, name card, product packaging, banners, warehouse sign, billboard, van branding, hampers, etc. \n3. Implementing feedback revision and creating final designs for printing. \n4. Overseeing the printing process to ensure color quality and consistency. \n5. Managing the timelines and workflow of print design projects. \n6. Supporting web and content designer for the website.\n7. Collaborating with other departments for any design material including image or photo retouching for product listing or other website enrichments.\n8. Keeping up to date with the latest design concept, trends, techniques, including latest printing standards. And periodically implement it as an improvement to each material.",
"areaLocation": "Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta.(Wisma 46, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.Kav.1 6th Floor, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta, 10220)",
"areaLocationNew": "Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta",
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"2-3 tahun",
"Detail & Bertanggung Jawab",
"Serius & Detail",
"Setia & Jujur",
"Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik",
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"Berat badan tidak dibatasi"
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"name": "Keahlian",
"icon": "https://pic.kupu.id/image/1694166821386362880.webp",
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"value": "Detail & Bertanggung Jawab,Serius & Detail,Setia & Jujur,Multitasking,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik",
"type": 2
"jobRequirementsV4": null,
"jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTc0MDIyMzIyMzQ2NDgzNzE4NA==",
"jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "https://kerja.kupu.id/jobDetail?sid=aWQ9MTc0MDIyMzIyMzQ2NDgzNzE4NA==",
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"assetInfoResList": null