Situs Pengusaha

Finance Specialist

Rp6.000.000 - 9.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Utara
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 15/01/2025 oleh Annisa Fathna
Pengalaman kerja
0-1 tahun
Minimal S1
18-35 tahun
1. Coordinate the company's capital arrangement, prepare a capital plan, and arrange financing and capital use in advance;
2. Be able to complete the company's accounting processing independently;
3. Be familiar with the relevant job requirements of cashier, and be proficient in receipt and payment, bank account management and other business;
4. Strong sense of service, high efficiency, positive work attitude, and timely completion of various tasks.
1. Graduated from majors related to financial management and accounting;
2. Have cashier and finance-related work experience;
3. Obtain financial-related certificates
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
- A collaborative and supportive workplace - Opportunities for growth and professional development - Be part of a forward-thinking, innovative company
Lokasi Kantor
Koja, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Otomotif,30-300 karyawan
Perusahaan X-motors Internasional Group merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang otomotif, perusahaan sedang melakukan ekspansi ke Indonesia di mana investor terbesarnya adalah BOSCH. Kantor pusat X-Motors berada di Singapore dan kantor pusat asia berada di Beijing, China. Perusahaan menjual mobil China dan juga menyediakan maintenance untuk mobil konvensional dan mobil listrik.
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Be familiar with the relevant job requirements of cashier, and be proficient in receipt and payment, bank account management and other business;\n\n4. Strong sense of service, high efficiency, positive work attitude, and timely completion of various tasks.", "areaLocation": "Kecamatan Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta.(PT. X-Motors Indonesia, Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 85)", "areaLocationNew": "Koja, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta", "chatStatus": 1, "chatUpdateFmt": "Aktif 1 minggu yang lalu", "chatTime": 1737035383000, "distanceRange": null, "skillTags": null, "jobRequirementsV2": [ "S1", "0-1 tahun", "Semua jenis kelamin", "18-35 tahun" ], "privilegeJobType": 0, "urgentCouponFlag": 0, "urgentTip": null, "urgentButton": null, "urgentCouponValid": 0, "urgentJobLogo": "", "threeCategory": "201002003", "purchased": 0, "threeCategoryName": "Lowongan Terkait Akuntansi Lainnya", "jobRequirementsV3": [ { "key": "work_experience", "name": "Pengalaman kerja", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "0-1 tahun", "type": 1 }, { "key": "education", "name": "Pendidikan", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "Minimal S1", "type": 1 }, { "key": "age", "name": "Umur", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "18-35 tahun", "type": 1 } ], "jobRequirementsV4": null, "jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "", "jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "", "manSalaryRangeFmt": null, "assetInfoResList": null }